• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Now it is officially official.

I like the way the certificate says the hottest chilli "is" ....
In my mind, that wording means all pods of that type of chilli are hotter than everything else since it's such an *absolute* statement.
Let's reread the above: in MY mind. No doubt many others will differ in opinion and that's what makes the world go around.
Personally, I think it would be more interesting if they said something like "a batch of so and so chilli grown by this bloke over x many years was processed in accordance with the record guidelines and found to produce the hottest heat rating (or SHU or whatever other words/acronym may be more applicable) of ___ units"
Here's a thought - to make it all much more widely spread, why not get Mr Man vs Food take up the challenge ?! :party:  More people would probably quote him and the likes as opposed to Guinness.
Edit - can't spell worth a damn these days ...
Gotrox said:
The record belongs to the one who pays to prove it.
If you don't pony up, you don't get to play.
^   This.  
And I dunno why I keep reading all these stability posts. I grew 10 plants this past season and every single one grew true. I think people just get bitter and salty over the fact that someone else is making money off of thier own created strain of pepper. 
Spicegeist said:
It's really a lot of fun having a new hottest every year.
Have you seen the comments section on that page?  Hilarious.
doesnt seem like Jack is a big fan  :rofl: :rofl: