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Now What the Heck?

Only me. I've been picking red ripe pods from my one and only 7 Pot Brain Strain plant for the past couple of months. Decided I wanted to over winter it inside and bought myself a fancy new grow light. Built a frame for the lights out of PVC and even added a 150W CFL to the mix. Been inside for a couple of weeks now. I've picked five or six ripe pods off if it since it's been inside. Well I went to pick one tonight, been eyeballing it the past couple of days figuring it was getting close to being ripe. Brought it into the kitchen under some normal lights and had to do a double take. Darn thing has got some yellow mixed in with the red. Now what in the heck is this all about? Went back and looked at some of the other pods hanging on the plant. Couple of them turning red like they're supposed to but darned if there isn't a couple more that are turning yellow! Yellow! Now how in the heck does this happen? The seed for it came directly from Cappy last year. Plant has been giving me red pods all summer.

Here's the one I picked that got this started. Notice the red on top? Well the entire thing was almost all red last night and so I went after it just a few minutes ago. What's going on?


Here's one that is still hanging on the plant:


I'm going to try and take some better pics and post them here. I'll be back!
Patrick, The pods are probably reacting to the artifical light source having a different color temperature.....hey its Autumn, maybe the leaves will change color to.........only kidding

But seriously, I'd prune back the plant, it looks like it might be getting tall and leggy, cut it back and get a jump on some compact growth, you will produce flowers and pods indoors, it just takes time, but in doing so you'll have a vigorous plant but the time you set it outdoors...

A quick guess is the light CFL spectrum is wrong-
CFLÂ’s are commonly found in the following spectrums

2700 – AKA Warm White
4100 - Cool White
5000 – Full Spectrum
6500 – Full Spectrum “Day Light”

CFL grow lights in the 5000k to 6500k range “Full Spectrum” produces a lot of natural light (with a lot of blue light) and promotes plant growth. Think Spring Time.

Warm Bulbs in the 2700k to 3000k range provide higher orange / red spectrum which enhances the fruiting and flowering of plants. Think Fall.

Cool Whites are IMO useless for anything other than Seed Starters.

Remember that one of the disadvantages of CFLÂ’s is also that they sometimes have a problem with Limited Light Penetration. This is a result of having the light to far away from the plants.

You guys are brilliant. I turned off the light, you nailed it PIC 1 and took a couple of pics with the camera. Red peppers. No yellow. Kind of bummed, thought I may have had something really cool. First time with the lights so I hope you guys don't bark at me too much for the rookie mistake. :oops:

The plant has shown little growth since I brought it in so it hasn't become leggy. I'll be pruning back the ones I'm going to over winter, roots and all, in the next few days. This particular one I may let it go as is.

Thanks for sharing your smarts you two, I really appreciate it.