NPK test?

I know NPK tests exist but has anyone ever used one to any accuracy?
I got ducks this season and keep reading about how great the pond water is for ferts. They poop in it quite a bit and it doesn't require composting like chicken manure. It can be applied directly to the plants.
I'm just curious if there is a test that is accurate enough to where I can see how mild or "hot" this water is. 
Kind of an odd ball question but I figured id give it a shot. Maybe someone has tinkered with testing homemade ferts from manure.
you can send a sample of soil or water off to a lab for analysis 
your local extension office probably knows somewhere around you that does it for a fee. is like 50$ or something
I don't know where you are at, but the University of Florida has extension offices all over the state, and in our area, they used to be something like $14.

You should definitely talk to them before even taking the time to collect the sample, because much of Florida is so sandy, it's not worth dumping fertilizer in, without some serious soil conditioning. 
solid7 said:
...Florida is so sandy, it's not worth dumping fertilizer in, without some serious soil conditioning. 
Haha yea no joke. My beds are all filled with foreign soil. Not sure I'd go to a lab. I might just try a soil test from lowes or test applying it to a few controlled plants.
I've had really great luck using composted pine bark mulch as a soil conditioner.  But again, all goes back to what you are aiming to do.  If you're willing to put in the work, and a few $, you can get great soil.  I have a source for nursery mix for around $1500 for a dump truck full. (30 cubic yards)  That's premium composted and screened bark, with 10% peat and 10% sand mixed in.  Have used it generically, with no soil test.

The real problem with our soil - at least from Central Florida and south - is the PH of the soil is very high.  It's high enough to cause a problem with making nutrients available.  So, even if they are there, they won't do you much good.  
My sand is PH 8.5.  It's not good for much but weeds, palms, and bananas.