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hydroponic nutrient additives for hydroponic peppers???

After my recent trip to a couple of hydroponic shops I noticed there were tons of attitives available for use in addition to the standard nutrients I'm using. I'm using the three part "flora series" from general hydroponics. My question is are any of these additional nutrients necessary or even beneficial or are they merely there to make more money? And I was also wondering if there was anything additional that I should be adding to my nutrient solution to gear it more towards the needs of peppers instead of say...cannabis?...
Some plants have higher requirements, orchids advance strains of cannabis ect.

Keep it simple for starters, in time you will learn about all the NPK scale,trace minerals and excelarents.

Enjoy your grow.
Heres all the hydroponic info you will need to know about peppers and tomatoes.
Check out Table #1.
For premature plants use the Stage of Growth #2 and move to Stage #5 after spotting your first flowers.
Hope this helps

Don't overthink this, chiles are relatively simple, undemanding plants. I stick with equal NPK ratio from start to finish.

When you see the adverts in a plant store, remember what they are selling...........
I use innoculants and enzymes. I don't have a problem with diseases. I don't know if I would have disease problems without the additives but I have run some systems that are more likely to fail than succeed and not had problems.