nutrient deficiency, but not sure which

Any help would be appreciated.  Picture is a little out of focus, but clear enough to see what's going on. Plant seems otherwise fine, watering every 6 days, feeding with chilli focus as per bottle instructions.  It has had a few doses of pyrethrum to keep the aphids under control recently, but wouldn't have thought that would impact on this.  Perhaps potassium? Both the habanero (pictured) and the ghost are showing these symptoms.
Classical visual symptoms in calcium
deficient plants include 1) death of
growing points, 2) abnormally dark
green foliage, 3) premature shedding of
blossoms and buds, and 4) weakened
get a picture of the whole plants with the damage visible. need to know if its localized or general over the whole plant.
where is the damage most severe? new growth or old growth?
its not unusual to get a few chlorotic leaves dieing off and falling off in the heaviest shaded parts of the plant such as the immediate interior close to the center.
also try to get a picture with better lighting... like under a 5k bulb or just outside.
no experiance with chili focus, but its a one its going to be poor in sulfate/phosphate or calcium.
its usually the sulfate/phosphate that they go easy on because plants need so little of it.
Could be a PH problem,you might be giving the right nutes but PH might be screwing you up.
Roots can cause similar problems too.
PH causes a lack of nutes being accessable to plants at times.
IF you have a PH problem,PH might make the nutes not usable though you supply them.
Also Ca. and Mag. are obsorbed by the same receptors in plants.
IF you have a Cal. problem.
See if you add Cal. in whatever form while stopping to use what you are using now.
If you get results then you know if it's an overdose of Mag. causing the possible Cal. deficiancey.
I have no idea about Chile Focus...what is in it,in what form.
The dark green might be due to Mag. taking the place of Cal. in your plant.
As I said,try stopping the fert.,get some Cal. (I'd use Foli Cal, as a fert. not a plant spray.).
See if it is a Ca./Mag. problem.
Can't hurt in general...
could egg shells work here for calcium? I remember seeing articles and youtube videos on that required them to bake them a bit before smashing them and placing them in the ground, i would assume a better assimilation could be done by blending the hell out of some egg shells until they are very very finely powdered. Maybe a an experienced grower can explain if it could work or not.
It still depends on PH.
I suggested Cal. Mag because witches brew/homemade Cal acetate is easily obsorbed by plants on contact - roots and leaves.
Other stuff needs to break down or depends on other stuff so plants can use it -PH etc.
IF he has a Cal. problem,Cal. acetate will cure the problem (in DAYS) IF he stops feeding Mag. to his plant-IF it is an overdose of Mag. or a PH problem.
Either way,eggshells or whatever is a long term thing.
A soil additive that needs breaking down to be usable.
I suggested a possible quick fix,before his plant/plants get really nasty.
I very well could be wrong,but what I suggested couldn't hurt...