nutrient run off

About how long does it take for nutrients to run out of potting soil? a few months or less? Made my own mix this year, and added rock phosphate, greensand,  kelp meal, and bat guano. Just trying to figure out when I should start giving my potted plants some ferts. The plants are in 5gal buckets.  Thanks much
Let the plant tell you when it needs food like jedisushi said when they start looking a little yellow. As long as they look green and healthy leave them be.
I start giving mine fertilizer right away when repotted, but only a little bit at a time.  The problem with doing that in a 5 gallon bucket is they grow too fast and soon enough 5 gallons isn't big enough to hold a day's worth of watering if it's a hot day, but in worst case you can just trim a plant back.
As for how long till it runs out, that is related to how much rain or (if) excessive watering they get to the extent that it runs out the bottom of the pot taking water soluble nutrients with it.