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Off the Wall Diner Megadeath Burger

Figured I'd throw this up for what Us Aussies have here.

Off the Wall diner is a little burger bar located in Brisbane. This burger has made grown men cry, put a few in hospital and even had a few lock themselves in the bar's fridge.

They use Blairs Megadeath sauce which is mixed with a tomato sauce (the amount does vary slightly depending how cocky you are to the waitress who takes the order). Upon ordering the burger you are given a waiver which you have to sign and get a witness to sign (the word death is mentioned a few times in it).


Upon signing you are given a pair of gloves and the waiting begins.

Then it arrives (yes that's me in the pic)


The burger consists of the pattie (which has jalapenos in it) half an onion raw and lettuce as well as the sauce.
Rules of the challenge are simple...eat the burger with no drinks or outside help, if you complete it and don't throw up within the 5minute period afterwards, your name goes on their wall.

As you can see, so close yet so far away


The burger itself although being HUGE was fairly nice actually, had a good flavour to the pattie, real overkill on the lettuce though. I would of preferred the onions to be cooked and maybe a slice of cheese or something.
The first bite was fine..then 10-15seconds later is when you felt that kick of the sauce and boy did it kick like a donkey, instant burning on the lips and mouth and almost chundered right then, after the first quarter is when the sweats and runny nose started on me, could no longer taste anything and every bite just seemed to reappear on my plate lol. This is when I took my walk around to clear the head and let it settle down.

About half way I hit the infamous wall and really struggled to put it away, the second half looked huge (mainly cause it fell apart when I cut it to begine with) started on the 3rd quarter and my bites got smaller and smaller and felt like I was chewing for ages. Got 1 bite into the final quarter and threw in the towel.

If this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it :)
NICE!! I really wish we had some good hot challenges here where I live. The best we have is the Blazin Challenge from Buffalo Wild Wings, and that is just child's play.