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review Official Review: Red Hawk Premium Peppers Wildfire

Product Name: Red Hawk Premium Peppers Wildfire

Style: Asian

Manufacturer: Red Hawk Premium Peppers

Country of Origin: USA

Website: http://redhawkpeppers.com

Ingredients: Bhut Jolokia Peppers, Sweet Onion, Water, Ketchup, Wild/Uncultivated Chiles Blend, Kosher Salt, Citric Acid, Spices

Label/Packaging: I like the fire in the background. The ingredients are easy to read, as is the contact info. I like the colors used, but the name is tough to make out. Maybe if the text was raised up to where it has more of the black behind it, it would stand out a bit more.

Appearance/Aroma: The appearance is that of a deep reddish orange. When turning the bottle over it looks like it has a healthy amount of pepper puree or mash in it, but it flows well clinging to the sides of the bottle. Flecks of skins are present as well as some spices. The aroma is almost like a spicy BBQ sauce. I can smell vinegar, onions, chiles, and ketchup. I see that vinegar is not on the ingredients list, but maybe it is in the ketchup. A pleasant smell, but it doesn't smell hot.

Red Hawk Premium Peppers' newest sauce. Will the Wildfire burn me up?

Body of Review:
I have reviewed several of Red Hawk Premium Peppers' sauces before, and loved them (check out the reviews of B3 and Scorpion Sting). However, there was one thing missing. They could be hotter. I get that Dan Lowenstein is trying to give flavor over heat. I appreciate that, I really do, but I think a hotter sauce would give his line a boost. Based on the bhut jolokia being the #1 ingredient, this sauce promises to deliver the heat.
Upon tasting a spoonful, I am first greeted with a sweetness; a fruitiness that has to be from these wild peppers. I can actually tell that there is ketchup in there too. Interesting. It does sort of have a spicy BBQ sauce feel to it. I can taste the onion, but it is not strong. The bhuts are there in the aftertaste, but they too are not overpowering. I want to know what these other peppers are. Thai dragon maybe? Birdseye? Unfortunately, Dan isn't giving them up.
Well, I licked my spoon clean and by golly there IS heat in there. I do not get any pain in my throat whatsoever, which surprises me because the bhut usually gets me there the most. The heat is not overpowering by any means, but it is definitely noticeable. I actually developed a little sweat under my eyes. Good job Dan!
The consistency is what really blows me away with this sauce. I have been a little hard on Red Hawk for consistency issues in the past. In fact, another bottle that I have here by them that shall remain nameless is a bit on the runny side, but you absolutely nailed the consistency on Wildfire. Pours nice, but is still thick enough to stand up to most applications. Which brings me to my favorite part, using it with food.

Heat Level: 7.5

Applications: I think this is ideal on pizza, a cheesesteak, probably eggs for those of you who eat them (blech), wings, burgers, and soups.

Appearance Score: 5
Aroma Score: 4.5
Taste Score: 4
Mouthfeel Score: 5
Heat Accuracy Score: 4.5

Overall Score: 4.6

Notes: I love this sauce. It is exotic. It looks good, tastes good, pours good, it's versatile, and brings the heat! Nicely done Dan.


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Since this review was done, I have been informed by Red Hawk Premium Peppers that an ingredient has been changed, and that I may have reviewed either an old version, or one with the wrong label. The sauce now has no ketchup and has tomato paste instead.
Sorry for the confusion. I must have sent you one of the test labels but I know I didn't send you the experimental batch since I only made one bottle that contained ketchup. For future reference:

INGREDIENTS: Bhut Jolokia peppers, Sweet onion, water, tomato paste, cayenne peppers, wild / uncultivated chiles blend (including chiltepin), Kosher salt, citric acid, spices
To Jay's credit, it has tomato paste, onion, and spices, all in ketchup, so I can see this having a ketchupy quality. Add to that ketchup on the label. I don't think he was far off here either way. :)
Exactly. I did essentially replace ketchup with ketchup-like ingredients. The initial test batch was too ketchup-forward. Although I had positive responses from the taste testers, it wasn't what I was shooting for. Apparently, I didn't update the label on the bottle I sent Jay.
I just had some of this sauce on my pulled pork breakfast burrito this a.m. Speaking of which, I'm almost out of my two bottle allotment. Dan, send me some more!

Great sauce with a nice amount of heat. You should get some! http://www.redhawkpeppers.com