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review Official Review: Voodoo Chile Porkus Infernum

Product Name: Voodoo Chile Porkus Infernum

Style: BBQ/Cajun

Manufacturer: Voodoo Chile Sauces

Country of Origin: USA

Website: http://www.voodoochilesauces.com

Ingredients: Magic Chile Blend, Water, Tomato Paste, Apple Cider Vinegar, Onion, Garlic, Sugar, Salt, An exotic blend of spices, The soul of six tormented swine, and Vitamin C.

Label/Packaging: I think the label is pretty cool. Easy to read, descriptive, fun. I also love the fine print where it says not to use as a personal lubricant.

Appearance/Aroma: The first thing that jumps out at me is that this sauce is runny, kind of like Tabasco in consistency. The color is nice. Deep orange. Lots of spices are visible, a few specs of pepper skins. The aroma, mmmm bacon!!!! I love it. It smells smoky. I also smell the apple cider vinegar. I do not however, smell peppers.

Bacon, Bacon, Bacon, Hot Sauce. Do I need to say more?

Body of Review:
The first thing you taste with this sauce is the apple cider vinegar. It is a bit tangy. Then you get the smoke. It reminds you of a Carolina style sauce you would put on pulled pork. The chiles are in there somewhere, but are dominated by the vinegar and the taste of smoke and bacon. The aftertaste is that of bacon bits. I have never had anything like this. I compared it to Tabasco in the previous section. It is only like that in consistency, not at all in taste. Different vinegars and peppers at play. I really do not get a sense of what individual peppers are used here, but I am thinking not a lot. There is a slight heat at the end, which makes me think either habaneros or some other c chinense, maybe a scorpion or 7 pot, but that may be stretching it. This has little, and I mean little heat. I ate a spoonful, like I said, there was a tiny bit of heat when I ate it that affected the throat, but only for a couple seconds. I don't really think they are going for heat though. Bacon sells, plain and simple.

Heat Level: 3

Applications: I think this is a bit of a specialty sauce. As I said, I could see using it on pulled pork. It would be great in a bloody mary, and maybe on eggs. Its consistency is where it fails as an all around sauce. If it were thicker it would be great on burgers and dogs or BBQ chicken.

Appearance Score: 4
Aroma Score: 5
Taste Score: 3.5
Mouthfeel Score: 4
Heat Accuracy Score: 4

Overall Score: 4.1

Notes: I love everything bacon and I love the novelty of this sauce. It smells amazing, has a good mouth feel, and tastes decent. For me though, it is lacking in the consistency and heat departments.


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