pests Oh my aphids, why did I do it.

I was on lunch break at subway in walmart across from my work the other day, and on my way back to work I decided to walk out through the garden center, I guess my brain wasn't working becuase I left with a couple small pepper plants (jalapeno and cayenne) after work I potted them up and layed them out with the rest of my small peppers in my second bedroom. That was about a week ago and I've been working alot this week and havn't paid as much attention as I sould I looked and the plants I got at walmart have aphids on them. Duh, I forgot this is why I should have just grown them from the seeds I already HAVE! :banghead: Oh well, I have now moved all my small peppers out of the room and I'm treating them. Apart from the insecticdal soap I am using, has any one tried AzaMax? The guy at my local hydro shop keeps saying I should try it, any thoughts? 
Meet my aphids...

Hate to hear that.   You really have to be careful with that and check really closely.  I had to point out an infestation at a nursery a couple years back.  Had about six plants I was gonna buy,  while waiting in line I was checking under the leaves and sure as shit there were aphids on em.  Put them things back and left in a hurry.  
Azamax is thrown around here a quite a bit.  I've heard nothing but good about it I'm 99% sure.   I've never used it.  What did work when I had aphids was "Don't Bug Me"  from Fox Farm.  Knocked them little bastards right out and never to be seen again.
I'm fighting major infestation now and feel your pain.. So to answer your question yes it does but you have to keep on them.. Spray every week and don't forget! A couple small plants shouldn't be a problem. In my case i got them from my big ovetwinters. I had used azamax and they were virtually gone but i must have missed one or 2. They came back w a vengance and everything is infected (around 130 plants). It's too much to spray every leaf so I'm using ladybugs.. Actually the 3rd round of fifteen hundred is on the way now. Smh..

Any way you should be able to get a bottle like this w adjustable sprayer and vials to refill it pretty cheap. It would prolly be overkill but never hurts to have it on hand
