Oh, Oh!

Some of my ladies about a week ago,  not the prettiest girls in the place defiantly no 9 or 10 but maybe a 5 or 6 and even a 7 if its late enough.   Any way, I noticed a little yellowing on some of their leaves and I assumed it was the white flies returning; so I hit them with my dish soap and coking oil spray.  A little bit of the spray worked like a champ last time, so I thought a little bit more would be better.  I was so wrong.  

Some of my ladies today, beaten up with the ugly stick.  Spent a good couple of hours with a spray bottle of 
distilled water drenching the leaves, top and bottom.  Hope I will be able to save them, serious yellowing and
major leaf drop.



I know we learn from our mistakes, but I am hoping this mistake won't kill most of my plants,  I still have some seedlings in six and twelve packs that have not been affected, but the older ones in the solo cups were going to be transplanted outside this coming week.
Repot in some larger pots with fresh premium mix with a basic 3 month feed included.. rip of some bad leaves and keep them moist without overwatering... Another homebrew misshap, just like what happened to me.

And just to add.. That bottom plant.. I would cut that stem about half way down and give it a hit of nitrogen as well
Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions.
hogleg said:
IMO just keep foliar flushing the leaves and pull off bad leaves. They look like survivors to me.
hogleg, I plan on flushing with distilled water a couple more times.
Roguejim said:
My goodness, I don't even have to read your post to see horribly root bound plants!  Solo cups at that size?? 
Roguejim, I started way to early this season; part newbie mistake and part anxious.  I need to time it next year, so I can go from solo cups to outside pots or ground.  My two grow shelves could never handle that many 1 gallon pots.
KrakenPeppers said:
Repot in some larger pots with fresh premium mix with a basic 3 month feed included.. rip of some bad leaves and keep them moist without overwatering... Another homebrew misshap, just like what happened to me.

And just to add.. That bottom plant.. I would cut that stem about half way down and give it a hit of nitrogen as well
KrakenPeppers, hoping to get them potted up to there final pots or bags some time soon.  
When you say cut that stem half way down and give it a hit of nitrogen, is it ok to prune back bellow the leaves.  I was under the impression you needed to leave some leaves for photosynthesis.  I have topped a couple of plants this year leaving on a few sets of leaves and they did great, I never thought to prune them back bellow the leaves.  Also, what type of nitrogen should I use?  I have some Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer 15.5-0-0, I have been mixing with my master blend DWC nutrients maybe I could mix up a gallon of just that?
They do need potting up. Whatever nutes you use, I would give them half strength at first while they're at a diminished capacity.
jimbo53 said:
Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions.
hogleg, I plan on flushing with distilled water a couple more times.
Roguejim, I started way to early this season; part newbie mistake and part anxious.  I need to time it next year, so I can go from solo cups to outside pots or ground.  My two grow shelves could never handle that many 1 gallon pots.
KrakenPeppers, hoping to get them potted up to there final pots or bags some time soon.  
When you say cut that stem half way down and give it a hit of nitrogen, is it ok to prune back bellow the leaves.  I was under the impression you needed to leave some leaves for photosynthesis.  I have topped a couple of plants this year leaving on a few sets of leaves and they did great, I never thought to prune them back bellow the leaves.  Also, what type of nitrogen should I use?  I have some Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer 15.5-0-0, I have been mixing with my master blend DWC nutrients maybe I could mix up a gallon of just that?
I have cut back several plants to stem only and had all of them come back with thick lush foliage..  That being said I don't hold much value on plants I'm willing to cut back so radically to either save or discard. I have only just cut back 3 more plants 3-4 days ago, that were 8 months old and 3 feet tall back to 1 foot high stems. ANd already I can see multiple nodes of foliage growing out today..
I would repot, fresh soil and just give them (as mentioned by hogleg) a half strength hit of any standard fertiliser that has high nitrogen to promote that new foliage.. just keeping in mind that water will dissipate slower with no leaves so water less..
My plants I cut back were almost dead, they are now about to flower again, they haven't grown any larger then the stem I left behind but a very bushy atm and I don't think there far off booming again.
I kept foliar flushing with distilled water a for a few days and then potted them up to some larger pots; they seem to be responding nicely.  Hopefully I did not set them back too far, but a at least I did not kill them.

Yellow Moruga

Chiluhacle Negro