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Oh Sad day!

I just got home and went out to inspect the garden... My Ancho's, Jalapeno, Possibly my banana, and a bunch of the bells are all showing definite Tobacco mosaic virus signs...
I'll have to cut them out tomorrow. It also looks like it hit a few of the Maters, as well as some Kale. Something got the Kale in the last 2 days anyway.
Damn. I was really looking forward to my Anho's, but I want to get it all away from my other Hot peppers as fast as possible. The good thing is all of my super hots are in a different section of the yard and show no signs of it, but my 2 largest Orange habs are in the pepper patch. They look fine so far as does my Thai dragon, but they are side by side with the infected plants.
So not what I wanted to see on a saturday night. I was going out to see if any Jalapeno's had ripened a little more so I could make Jala-margaritas.

I just hope I'm catching it in time before it spreads to the others.
Looks like I'll be doing a lot of extra work on my soil this fall to try ad take care of this issue.

If I had a camera I'd take some pics. I'll try with my cell phone tomorrow, but I don't know if it will get a good enough shot.
I just got home and went out to inspect the garden... My Ancho's, Jalapeno, Possibly my banana, and a bunch of the bells are all showing definite Tobacco mosaic virus signs...
I'll have to cut them out tomorrow. It also looks like it hit a few of the Maters, as well as some Kale. Something got the Kale in the last 2 days anyway.
Damn. I was really looking forward to my Anho's, but I want to get it all away from my other Hot peppers as fast as possible. The good thing is all of my super hots are in a different section of the yard and show no signs of it, but my 2 largest Orange habs are in the pepper patch. They look fine so far as does my Thai dragon, but they are side by side with the infected plants.
So not what I wanted to see on a saturday night. I was going out to see if any Jalapeno's had ripened a little more so I could make Jala-margaritas.

I just hope I'm catching it in time before it spreads to the others.
Looks like I'll be doing a lot of extra work on my soil this fall to try ad take care of this issue.

If I had a camera I'd take some pics. I'll try with my cell phone tomorrow, but I don't know if it will get a good enough shot.

Sorry about your situation, please take some pictures. I would like to see what they look like.
Ok, I got some pics this morning and then pulled all infected plants out. In total I lost 2 Yellow Bells, 1 Red Bell, 6 Ancho's (That were freaking covered in little chili's) 1 Jalapeno, 1 Sweet Banana, and one Beefsteak Tomato. What really sucks is one of the Yellow bells was covered in peppers, but was starting to show signs of the Virus.

I'm going to have to keep a close eye on the rest of the bells, and on my Serrano. So far I don't see any sign of the virus in any of my habs that are in the same patch. It's like it skipped over them, and spread to the rest. The bells and ancho's seem really susceptible to it. With my superhots being in other areas I think they are safe. At least I hope so. I made sure I didn't track anything over into that area, and never touched any of them after working on the infected plants.These pics were taken with my Camera phone, so i don't know how good they will be. All infected material was bagged what was left on the ground was torched. I need to try and treat the soil, but from what I am reading that requires steaming at something like 200* for a while... Don't know how I am going to do that, and I don't think boiling water stays hot long enough to kill whats down below.

This is the Jalapeno

Another Bell

Sweet Banana

Ancho This is the best pic I could get of the actual "Mosaic" patterning.
Leaf minors did that to some of my plants last year.
They were hard to get rid of for a while.Caterpillar killer finaly got to them.
I don't smoke or grow tobacco but you can apparently get it from smoking cigars and such near your plants, or having it on your hands and then touching them, It could be either Tobacco Mosaic, or tomato mosaic. Both effect peppers, maters, taters, and a bunch of other things. It looks more like the images of Tobacco mosaic that I have seen, and I have heard of others down here having a problem with it. Either way, It sucks.

You can get it from grasshoppers or leaf cutting wasps that move from an infected plant to a healthy plant. Other bugs as well. They make a wound and the virus is introduced. Once it is in the soil... It is hard to get rid of. If there are infected plants in the garden it will spread just from working on the plants. If you touch health ones after infected ones you can transmit it if you make any sort of wound on the healthy plant. You can get it from the seed stock as well if the parent plant was infected.

I actually think I may have gotten it last year on some Big Jims that I bought. They either had it or caught it because I remember the same patterns in the leaf and small peppers for big jims, They ripened at maybe 2-3 inches and were not heavy producers. Usually they do much better for me. At the time I thought they were just mutant plants and never looked into it. When I saw it happen on what had been stable healthy plants this year it caused me to do some research. My banana this year went from producing good sized pods, to producing small wrinkly pods.

I just hope I caught it in time and it doesn't get everything I ordered from Neil. Other than being a little pissed at the heat we are having they are all doing great.

This is all different than what leaf miners do. These aren't trails through the leaf, but just crazy marble patterns in the leaf itself. Different shades of green. Goofy leaves. It's actually kind of cool looking when you can see all the details in it as long as you don't think about what it is doing. There is no cure for it, just trying to control it. Sterilize the soil, and try and keep pests to a minimum is all I have found out on it.
Sorry about your plants... and even more sorry knowing there's no cure and that you production is gonna be severely afected.
You have to focus on your healty plants, they'll compensate the diseased ones

I don't smoke or grow tobacco but you can apparently get it from smoking cigars and such near your plants, or having it on your hands and then touching them,

REALLY???? Ohh wow I didn't know that. I thought it was only transferred if you handle the seeds or roots and was smoking near them or had tobacco on your hands. I smoke cigars often and I have a HUGE TS plant on the upstairs patio and haven't had any problems as of yet. If I avoid touching them after I smoke my cigar would that be ok or is just having the smoke near the plant enough to cause a problem. If so I'll just have to smoke on the other patio as the plant has gotten to be around 4' tall and 3' wide and is covered in flowers.
Smoking near them doesn't cause it, but touching them after touching infected tobacco does. It can live for something like 20 years on surfaces so if anyone moved into a house with in the last 20 years and don't smoke it's still possible for plants to get it I guess.
Smoking near them doesn't cause it, but touching them after touching infected tobacco does. It can live for something like 20 years on surfaces so if anyone moved into a house with in the last 20 years and don't smoke it's still possible for plants to get it I guess.

yeah, this. not the smoke, but touching anything infected and then touching plants. Sorry if what I typed was a little misleading.
I have seen figures stating that it is up to 40-50 years that the virus can live on dead leaf matter in the soil. Just sitting there waiting. Waiting to destroy, waiting to piss off people like me. It's all a gov't conspiracy I think. Just another attempt from the man to keep us down... :woohoo:

I think it is more commonly caught from other types of plants than from touching Tobac products though.

Oh well, it could have been a lot worse. It could have started in the super hots that I am most excited for. I'm actually stoked that I have 1 pod forming on a 7pod, out of 8 plants I have going. They've been flowering like crazy but it's just been to hot for pod set. This one got lucky and is about peanut sized right now.
Once it cools down again I'll end up with tons of pods and a nice late fall harvest. probably around Thanksgiving or possibly a little later. That's when my last years harvest of most peppers was. I'm really glad my Orange Habs don't show any sign of it so far. They are covered in green pods, and I'd hate to lose those plants. I think I'd actually cry myself a single little tear of agony if I lose some of my Supers.

So, when I first knew this was happening and saw that there was no cure for it, I thought "hey, now here is an opportunity to make something really useful to every one, and possibly make some money"...Then I did more research. Apparently one of the Mosaic virus's was the first virus actually discovered, and with how big of a problem it is along with the length of time we have known about it some one with a whole lot more research money than I have would have figured it out by now. So, I decided to just cut my losses and go have a beer or 4.
It's working out for me ok. :)
Just another great reason to quit if ya'all smoke............... :hell:

(27 year smoker, quit 01-07-07)

That was the best thing I ever did for myself. I can't imagine how hard it was after 27 years.I smoked for 5 years and it was a bitch to stop.
If I hadn't quit, the price per pack these days sure as hell would have done it for me. I can't understand how any one can pay those prices that often and be ok with it. Damn if it isn't just ridiculous.
the hardest country to quit smoking is mine.

it only costs forty cents a pack for smokes here for the regular stuff. if you want cheaper crappier stuff, you can get a pack for 25 cents.

imagine trying to quit here. you can bum a smoke off of just about anyone coz it's so cheap.
If I hadn't quit, the price per pack these days sure as hell would have done it for me. I can't understand how any one can pay those prices that often and be ok with it. Damn if it isn't just ridiculous.

FYI I just read that NY approved yet another tax hike on cigarettes so once the tax goes into effect it will cost $11.00 PER PACK! They are trying to raise an extra 11 billion for health care. I guess they haven't figured out that charging that much per pack will probably decrease the amount the raise because so many people will just quit flat out. Plus they still allow the Indian Tribes to sell ciggs TAX FREE so how many people do you think will just drive a few hours and buy several cases at once to avoid the tax? I can see the 4 billion they are collecting now drop to less than half that and end up leaving them worse off... Politicians just don't get it.
FYI I just read that NY approved yet another tax hike on cigarettes so once the tax goes into effect it will cost $11.00 PER PACK! They are trying to raise an extra 11 billion for health care. I guess they haven't figured out that charging that much per pack will probably decrease the amount the raise because so many people will just quit flat out. Plus they still allow the Indian Tribes to sell ciggs TAX FREE so how many people do you think will just drive a few hours and buy several cases at once to avoid the tax? I can see the 4 billion they are collecting now drop to less than half that and end up leaving them worse off... Politicians just don't get it.

Politicians are a damned disease.
Sadly, there is no cure for them either.