OK help guys.... Habanero Orange Plants

I have some Orange Habs...they are only about 7 inches tall, and they are producing buds...
Should I pinch them off so the plant can stabilize and get stronger stems, or just let nature do her thing?
I know there is a lot of back and forth on this subject....thanks guys

The one i almost always pinch off is that first pod that grows in that first split. It'll either be a runt, or taste funny, usually both.
The rest i'll leave on unless the plant is only ~ 5" tall.
At 7 inches, pinch it. More energy will go toward growth that will eventually lead to more areas with buds.
Jetchuka said:
The one i almost always pinch off is that first pod that grows in that first split. It'll either be a runt, or taste funny, usually both.
The rest i'll leave on unless the plant is only ~ 5" tall.
Ok this is the one I was referring too as well..
I pinched all of them off that I could see, and now I will wait (sigh) even longer to see my Orange Habanero Peppers.....
I have searched my Maruga Scorpions, and also my Trinidad scorpions and cant find even the slightest hint of a bud, and they are twice the size as my Habs...LOL :rolleyes:  :hell: