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Ol Man Stillmanz - Irukanji Sting

Well I called in and seen Mick this afternoon and picked up a bottle of his new limited run sauce.

Mentioned in this thread. http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=9482

Being a novice at testing I used a dessert spoon to test this one out.

First impressions - it has a nice front up burn that starts at the back of your throat and creeps forward to your lips. The consistency is fantastic it pours well from the bottle.

The flavour is great with the blend of 7 pots, pineapple, garlic vinegar and salt combining well to deliver another winning sauce from Mick Stillman.

The bottle carries a warning - Use one drop at a time and keep out of the reach of children. I say take that advice to heart as I must have had some on my fingers. Now my nose and right forearm are tingling from where I rubbed them earlier.

The heat as I said creeps forward to your lips, mine tingles for maybe 3-5 minutes. It's that tingling that chilliheads know well and enjoy so much. I tried my spoonful on an empty stomach and even 20 minutes later I can feel the effects of this one.

It is definitely worth grabbing if you get the chance, I look forward to seeing this one available in the future.
I had some of this sauce on my chicken burger tonight, it gave it a great kick. So it goes well with chicken, I'll post a couple of photos tomorrow.
nice review of a good sauce it sounds like...of course, what did you expect from Stillz? He makes some excellent sauces.
Irukanji Sting on chicken burgers

Step 1 - Prepare the bun


Step 2 - Add the chicken


Step 3 - Add the sauce :drooling:


Step 4 - Eat and enjoy
Well I tried this sauce last night......I got stillz whole range sent to me...:) including the greatest shave sauce...

The use of the word 'sting' is very appropriate as the bloody thing jumped up and bite me good...:lol:

It is a beautiful flavour with just enough heat to make to think you were just hit by a flying brick...:)

I hope this becomes a part of the regular range....Cause i'm hooked...

Thanks Mick....
Ring Sting's Irukanji Sting Review

Irukanji Sting Hot sauce by Ol Man Stillmanz

I collected a bottle from Mick earlier in the week, and have proceeded to empty the bottle.

First, there was a tsp sample in the shop, followed by a burger with the sauce applied.

Firt impression was good, with pineapple flavours appearing on the palette, followed in quick succession by the sting of the 7-pot chilli.

I found the burn from the sampling throughout my mouth, centring on the upper palette and towards the back probably because I put the spoon towards the back of my tongue. Whilst intense, it was short lived when tried in this method.

The sauce on the fish burger was excellent. I managed to still taste the tomato, onion and fish as well as the sauce.

Like others have reported, I also found a tingling sensation on my lips that lingered for the 20 min drive home.

For all the college students, I also sampled the Irukanji on Kraft Dinner which I'm sure you'll all agree is bland. Well, not any more. A few drops heated my bowl full right up, allowing for the sauce's subtle pineapple to blend with KD's cheesy sweetness (NB: it was the Canadian KD -- not the Aussie one.)

Overall, this is a great sauce.

Ratings based on my first review of the DT Jerk Sauce:

Heat 8.75 /10
Getting towards the hottest of natural sauces (gotta leave room for a fatali paste!)

Taste 8 /10

Mouth feel 8.5 /10
The heat is fantastic! And you can go back for more soon after and get another buuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzz.

After burn 5 /10
Not as bad as I thought

As a post script to this review, I have also tested it on a few mates. All have commented positively on the flavour and the heat characteristics of the Irukanji Sting.

Thumbs up Mick!!:clap::clap:

I had some more of this with my dinner, it still jumped up and wrestled my tongue to the back of my mouth.

I'm taking it to work tomorrow to share the sting around.
I have a bottle at work me lord, its great in soup. It makes continental soup contafudginfantastic. It also makes my lunch taste great :)
I picked up my bottle late, very late...so late that I had to wait for an order to fall through before I got some Irukanji Sting

I've been eating it on everything ever since & two words come immediately to mind.

Delicious & Deadly.

The initial bite is a sting, response time on the tongue in milliseconds "Oh crap, I'm in trouble here" the trademark Stillmanz fruity sweetness blends with the 7-pots and washes over and the heat settles into a sustained throat burn that lingers, then lingers some more....and yup still going..I need another bite. Wipe the sweat from my eyelids & in again...every meal can't stop myself.

Tonight having a late night sanga. Roast lamb with Irukanji Sting:


added some roma toms & alfalfa...looked bland so picked & sliced a small drought hab for garnish:


I think John Cougar Meloncamp put it best:

Hurts so good

Now as far as I know the only remaining bottle of this is in the charity parcel here


with an ever growing bunch of other great Oz sauce & products, so get together with some local chilli-heads & put in a bid. postage will be free to the winner & many people will have one hell of a BBQ with whats in the box.

Thanks Mick

thats right Bent the charity pack now contains the last Irukanji. watch out because it seems to get hotter as it ages.
Glad you like it

I put this into my spaghetti bolognaise last night along with some Dragons Blood from the Chilli Factory.

The Dragons Blood blended in and was lost amongst the bolognaise, not the sting though. It was a distinct flavour in it all the way to the end, tasted great with the sting added.
I have this on most of my meals too, only problem is that one of my two bottles is half empty (or full, depends which way you look at it) and the other is down to a quarter. YOU MUST MAKEY MORE MICK!!

Apart from this stuff my next favourite is the Devils Tounge jerk sauce, that stuff is gosh darn tasty and has a heavenly smell to boot.

Edit: Thought i would share my "practice" mix for the wing challange.
Im going to mix equal parts of the Sting, DT jerk sauce and wrath of god. That should get my mouth somewhat ready for the comp, whatcha reckon Bent?