Old School to LED guidance?

I am old school: 1.000 High Pressure Sodium n Metal Halide.  Blew the ballast on an HPS (smoke and all) and all my bulbs are old enough that i should replace them.  So thinking this might be the time to make the leap to LEDs.  Thing is, oh damn it is confusing to an old fart like me.  With the HPS n MH I could consider square foot coverage and work the lumens using a information from people who grow something else in their basements.  Lots of information there.  If I look up information at greenhouse sites, I get information on supplemental lighting.

Is here a guide on how to replace HPS and MH so that you achieve the same results?  Would be cool to stop burning the top of my head too.
AJ Drew said:
I am old school: 1.000 High Pressure Sodium n Metal Halide.  Blew the ballast on an HPS (smoke and all) and all my bulbs are old enough that i should replace them.  So thinking this might be the time to make the leap to LEDs.  Thing is, oh damn it is confusing to an old fart like me.  With the HPS n MH I could consider square foot coverage and work the lumens using a information from people who grow something else in their basements.  Lots of information there.  If I look up information at greenhouse sites, I get information on supplemental lighting.

Is here a guide on how to replace HPS and MH so that you achieve the same results?  Would be cool to stop burning the top of my head too.
There is a number of diy LED cob videos on youtube. Check out the ones from growmau5 (he uses the lights to grow other things...). From his noob guide to DIY led you can begin to get calculations to figure out how to get equivalency with an HPS. Alternatively the current best on the market LEDs are supposedly: https://chilledgrowlights.com/product-category/commercial-led-grow-lights 
Also check out Vitaly's youtube channel (creator of chilled grow lights) its a really cool story about how he got into making them so he could grow his own food.
from listening to a tech talk with the maker 400-600w of his leds is equivalent to a 1000w HPS this would run you about $1,200 bones for the top of the line. not only that the chilled grow lights have some UV spectrum as well as IR and deep red  so you are getting something that stimulates your plants much closer to how a sun would. higher up front cost but in the end you are paying much less per year on electricity (at the wall as well as cooling) 
Other diy and led kit company's I have researched:
I have a 200w cxb cob lighting fixture that does pretty well but I'm not trying to replace an HPS so i have no bearing.
Hey Drew
Not scientific, but my tests ignore the rated W of the units.
I use the actual W as a baseline and have found the 120W (600W on the box) for 4' x 4' tent is just too low and 240W (1200W on the box) just on the high side.
That would put the sweet spot at around 180-200W actual power.
At 200W we talking 12.5W per sqft.
Other sources (call up the herbal brigade) suggest 20W per sqft, but for other plants might be a bit excessive.
What I also try and achieve is 2000LUX (seedlings) to 6000LUX (more mature) at top of leaves with a cheap lux meter and this determines gap from light to leaves (usually 500mm - 900mm)
Like I said not scientific, but works for me