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Older plants taking a bad turn

I started some experimental plants back in Dec and they were thriving but have taken a turn and not sure what to do. It all started when we were potting up our babes we allowed these older ones some sun time we noticed what appeared to be mite damage on a couple and sprayed them, well the plants got a little too much sun then to compound things once we potted up the babes and got em under the lights we realized we didn't have enough light so the older ones are not getting direct light as the babes took priority. Other than the burned leaves some are dropping and they have a crinkle look that does not seem to be a Cal deficency as they all developed this look almost overnight. Here are some pix tell me what you think. The pix aren't the greatest hope you can see. Here they are all together on the floor of the grow room. Notice the crinkle look and the edges are a little dry and crisp. Maybe it's a Cal deficency but don't think so it came on over night.


Here are the tops of a few



Here's the top of a few



A couple more group shots sorry about the quality



A few of these plants were potted into a soil we were trying, well we don't like it it's too heavy so we will repot those into some OF. We will water all with Calmag and amend with Oyster Shell. This weekend we will pick up another lamp so they will have their own. Now a couple of questions can I prune these at all? Many of the leaves ate damaged by sun can I take the bad ones off? Just looking for some instruction on how much I can prune without hurting them
You can "top" the plants by pruning away the top part of the plant. With plants that size, I would recommend pruning off the outer, most unhealthy leaves, but leave a good portion of the bottom half of the plant and main stalk.
Pick the old or bad leaves off new ones will glady take there place. Did you add and granule fertilizer into the soil when you potted up?. The plants look over run with chemicals, plus you've introduced them to a different medium. When doing so you need to mix some of what your using with the new stuff so theres no shock involved. You could have mite damage. Once I bring my plants out they stay out. I don't want to take a chance of an infestation. Its too close to plant out for me. Where I live I've never taking pepper plants out to harden off this early. Its tempting with the nice Chicago weather we've been having but I know its better to keep the plants under the lights and in the warmth. Plus the plants just don't grow well in the cold......so point said.
Check you plants for mites or white flies....it only takes one to case many headaches....
Good luck with your plants. Just water the soil with plain old H2O and see if that helps with the new growth
