pubescens Olive Rocoto

First time growing this fairly rare variety. Seems to be a spin-off of the mini yellow but it's genesis is not quite clear. Surprisingly good flavor!








Very nice as per usual for you, JB!

If you had to place the flavor, how would you describe it?

Fruity? And how is the heat level with these?

Wow looks quite prolific for a first season pube. If let go overripe does it stay olive color or does the yellow start to bleed thru?
Another stunner, Great work JB!!
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Wow, what an awesome Pubescens variety. I've never heard of it before. Is it hard to determine when the pods are ripe?

Great photography as always, BTW!
hogleg said:
Wow looks quite prolific for a first season pube. If let go overripe does it stay olive color or does the yellow start to bleed thru?
Another stunner, Great work JB!!
I imagine they will get mustardy if left on longer but feel they are 100% ripe at this stage. The pods are soft when you squeeze them and skin seperates from the flesh easily. Consistency between a plum and stewed tomato.. The heat is even and glowing like a pube,something you can walk around in the garden and eat 3 or 4 of. Can't say enough about the flavor,easily in my top 5 and probably towards the upper end of those. 
When I get caught up with life I will take care of you guys. 


Just when I think you've photographically extracted every bit of coolness out of a pepper.
You post three more pics like that.  :clap:
Your photo documentation frequently leaves me in awe.
That first one is worthy of framing and hanging
(no homo)   :D 
Wow.  Really impressive all around.  Fruit, foliage, and fotos. Never seen one of these before, but it looks like a great compact and productive plant.