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On my way!

This will be my first year starting from seeds!
Last year I was given a few plants from my neighbor and had some luck, so I'm starting from scratch this year.
I did buy 6 bell pepper plants, but they never amounted to much with each only producing 4-6 bells.

I am using the little pod kits from the store and have about 20 2" super Chilis going.
Today I planted the rest
Sweet Banana
Italian Sweets
Big Jim's
Peter peppers
Yellow bell
Green bell

And I am also going to try some marvel stripe tomatoes, chives, walla walla onions, and garlic.
I'm in Concord Ca. And have over wintered 4 of my plants from last year and they are doing well with new growth!
1 big jalapeño
2 Thai hots
1 yellow bell
But your pepper list does not fit the bill. You need some super hots in there. You know, somethin to put hair on your eyeballs.
If you're interested, I'll send you some seeds to get ya started. PM me if interested. Either way, good luck!
dash 2 said:
     Hey! While you're drunk and generous, think you could spare any of your Red Savina X Fatalii seeds? Pick sumfin outta' my grow list if you wanna trade!
Hey! I may be druck an I my b gnrus but I am defnitely not, wait.. wut?
I don't gotta be drunk to be generous! (Helps tho :)) and yes. Although they are actually Fatalii X Red Savina not other way around. I'm retarded and listed them wrong. PM me your info

And just for that comment, it'll cost you a pint of jim!!! :)
You  should have started your garlic in the fall Typically it will be planted in oct-nov and grow up about 4 inches then go dormant during the winter.. come spring it takes off and gets about 2.5 feet high at the peak then fall over.. when it does that its ready for harvest.. typically july.. I would dig them up and braid them into a string and dry/store them in my garage.. I typically had 50 heads per season.
Just my 2 cents..
impending_bending said:
But your pepper list does not fit the bill. You need some super hots in there. You know, somethin to put hair on your eyeballs.
If you're interested, I'll send you some seeds to get ya started. PM me if interested. Either way, good luck!
Super Chilis aren't hot?
Super Chili flavor and heat are iffy at best. Try Trinidad Red Congo or Yellow Fatalii for great flavor but not extreme heat.
+1 on the yellow fatalli.. great flavor and med heat.. usually but each pepper can vary in the heat level depending on the environmental conditions..
Welcome and good luck! Actually it's not that hard and super chilli is one of my favs. Yes they are not that hot compared to what a lot of people grow here but to normal people they are. If i was you I would try and grow a superhot or 2 as a novelty. Actually that's how I got started eating them... Most of my friends wouldn't try em unless I did too. After a while they grow on you.