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Only 1 Butch T

My BT is 6 months old, 3ft high and puting out many many flowers. The only problem is, I've gotten 1 small pod (the size of a quarter) with many many flowers dropping and never producing fruit. What is going on! I've read all the threads about it had to be perfect this and perfect that, I've done it all!
Pick that pod, it may well start your plant up. My Butch T plant was not producing well at first either. The first wave of pods only yielded 15 total. After the last one was picked it took about a week for any more pods to show up. But now it has exploded with pods. I think I have about 50 sitting on it right now, with a few starting to ripen.
Dont worry, mine are doig the same thing, i have gotten 5 peppres of 3 plans since Jan. but it seems to reall pod up during the fall. But i think it just the heat and humidity down here. As the ghost pepper and brainstrains are the only ones i have promblems with.

Also, there could be from, to much nitrogen during the flower phase, which benifits the growth phase. You might want to try a fertilzer with lower N, but higher is the Phosphours (sp?), aka the middle number. That will encourage budding.

Also, i see you up in the wa up north, it could be getting to cold at night, and its preventing it from flowering.

Also, could be lack of polination, try hand fertlizeing it. Hope one these 3 help you, those are the 3 thrings i have been told about flower dropping