Only small leaves now

My Bhuts are on their 3rd set of fruits now,
they no longer grow large leaves, in fact many of the
original large leaves have dropped and the only leaves
on the plants are small leaves.

Also there is wide variation in the size of the fruits now.
Is this normal for some peppers grown in the tropics are perennials ?
lennyk said:
I mean third set of fruit, I live in the tropics, no winter here
just continuous hot sun
Wow, sounds like fun. :think:
Hmm... what would cause some sort of impotence in plants besides cold? perhaps heat.
What are the temps in your area? are they EXTREMELY high?
I'm just guessing here, but sounds more like an environmental thing than some kind of disease/parasite or lack of treatment.
well the thing is they are now in constant state of flowering along with pods on the plant, dunno if that inhibits regular vegetative growth
I was thinking about cutting back all flower buds on a plant for a period of time to see if that does anything but too lazy to have to keep checking everyday
So basically your plant is going nuts.
Maybe it's using too much resources on blooming, so getting pods and leaves to grow normally is hard?
Psh... just another one of my guesses.