• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Oops - forgot about plants haredning off

What a doofus, imbecile, ignoramus.

I have 36 tomato plants I potted up to 2" cells, most of them two weeks ago but about eight of them Tuesday evening. They have been growing under a 105-watt, 5000K CFL bulb. They have been doing good, but I want to transplant them next month and figured I needed to harden them off. I sat them on the back porch yesterday (bright sunlight, 90+ degrees heat) for about three hours. They all did fine, including a couple that are, at best, 1/2" tall. This morning, I dutifully took them out of their shaded space and put them on a table with a black glass top. Alas and alack, I completely forgot about them. It got up to 94 degrees today, with bright sunlight. Meanwhile, I was busy walking around delivering newspapers, sending out a newsletter to people on a mailing list, updating a web site, playing Sudoku.

This evening, I needed to work on my garden and walked out the back door. That's when I saw them - 36 tomato seedlings that had barely begun what was suppose to be a long life - standing straight up with no signs of distress. The potting mix in some of the cells has dried out and the older plants seem to have grown a bunch, but that is about it.

I think I got really lucky, to say the least!
