OOPS! Forgot to post my Super Bowl contest here!

I always try to post up my Super Bowl contests here, though they do happen to take place at Facebook
I realize some of you don't Facebook, and to be honest, if I didn't have a business I probably wouldn't Facebook either. For me Facebook is for fart jokes and the occasional silly meme or musical discovery. 
And having to keep my contest in one place means posting it somewhere, and FB is kind of convenient for that since I have 3000+ people sorta following that page whereas only about 11 of you actually like me here. It's probably due to my personality, so I understand completely. :) 
Now that all of that out of the way, how would you like to win an 8-Pack of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce, a cap (pink or black) and a Dia del Perro t-shirt or tank top? 
Follow the link, and read the rules.  I'll post the rules here for your convenience: 
Well how about that - it's time for another Superbowl contest!
This year I am giving away an awesome prize package: The full lineup, an 8-pack of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce, plus a Lucky Dog Hot Sauce cap, black or pink (winner's choice) and a t-shirt or women's tank top in the desired size of the recipient (winner's choice). Including shipping, this is over $100 in winnings!
All you have to do is guess the following 3 things: 
1. Winner of the Superbowl
2. Final Score
3. Total yardage, rushing + passing of both QBs, expressed as a single combined number. (e.g. If you think Manning will have 324 Passing Yards and 5 rushing yards, your guess will be "Peyton Manning, 329 yards)
Here's how it works: 
1. Post your guess in direct response to the contest topic at Facebook. If this post is shared somewhere and you respond there, I won't see it. If you post in response to this topic, it won't count. So it is crucial that you ONLY respond to *contest topic at Facebook with your entry*
2. Tag at least one person in your post who you think would like to know about the contest (or Lucky Dog Hot Sauce). You can tag more than one person if you'd like, but you must tag at least one person. This is a promotion, after all. wink emoticon It's important: No tagged friend, not a valid entry. 
3. Be either smart, lucky, or both!
Example, a complete, valid contest entry will look like this: 
"Carolina wins, final score 37-30. Manning 329, Newton 337. (and tag a friend)"
Don't forget to tag a friend.
Other rules stuff:
USA Entries Only
Entries are validated by time-stamp, so *please DO NOT edit your entry*. An entry will only be considered valid if unedited. If two people have the same exact entry, the one with the earliest time-stamp will be accepted, so please check to make sure you're entering something original.
If you need to make a change, either delete your post and post again, or reply to your own comment with the change. Do not edit the original post.
There will be a winner, guaranteed. The closest guess to the winner, final score and QB yardage wins! :woohoo:
Now for all y'all who Facebook, click the link, get on over to Facebook and Facebook some Facebook with your Facebook on Facebook!  Or at least post an entry to the contest. Good Luck! :dance: 

Entries will be accepted until Kickoff. Anything after kickoff = not an entry. 

It took me about an hour trying to get the "tag" to work for me. Not really sure why it finally worked. I post from a Nook and my device was just not letting me tag. Finnally got it to work ( with a name I had tried SEVERAL TIMES). Weird. Hope I win LDHS ROCKS!
Naw it usually works great. I've been using it all this time on THP.

You just watch. I'll win because I have my lucky LDHS t-shirt.
