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opnions/experiances please?

hello everyone

these are all peppers that I have my eye on and will probably get at some point :P
but ofc I can't get everything at once, so I have to narrow things down a bit (or a lot :P)... so I would apreciate it if you all could tell me about your experiances with/opinions of the following varieties.

new mex
piri piri
cow horn
bulgarian carrot
black hungarian (is this the same as hungarian black and/or a black/purple jalapeno?)
de arbol (seems like a popular one :P)
grandpas siberian home pepper
dedo de moca
espelette (aka. piment d'espelette?)
chocolate long hab
india jwala
black pearl
poinsettia pepper
mustard hab
numex heritage big jim
numex espanola improved
numex mirasol
barkers hot
takanotsume (same as chicken claw i beleave)
black prince

wow, thats actually a bigger list then i thought :P
i think im getting a little obsessed...
please post any opinions/experiances :)


p.s. im not the only one on here growing things other then superhots right? lol...
Nice list. I've grown a few of these. Namely, cascabel, guajillo, new mex, chimayo, de arbol, mustard hab, numex heritage big jim, numex espanola improved, numex mirasol, barkers hot and cajamarca. All did well in Kansas and suspect they would grow nicely in the great white north. My onzas and datils haven't fared so well, but it was probably me rather than the plants. I'm growing black prince this year and it seems to be doing fine. Found my first black pod the other day.
Nice list. I've grown a few of these. Namely, cascabel, guajillo, new mex, chimayo, de arbol, mustard hab, numex heritage big jim, numex espanola improved, numex mirasol, barkers hot and cajamarca. All did well in Kansas and suspect they would grow nicely in the great white north. My onzas and datils haven't fared so well, but it was probably me rather than the plants. I'm growing black prince this year and it seems to be doing fine. Found my first black pod the other day.
would you highly recommend or recommend against any of them? :P
Ones on the list that usually do poorly for me in my climate and conditions are:
Cascabel, guajillo, chimayo, and most NuMex types including Barkers and BigJim

I think a lot of these are from the south and prefer less humid conditions that what we get in Ontario
Ones on the list that usually do poorly for me in my climate and conditions are:
Cascabel, guajillo, chimayo, and most NuMex types including Barkers and BigJim

I think a lot of these are from the south and prefer less humid conditions that what we get in Ontario

hmm, some of those I can see, but I thought some of the newmex types were bred specificly for more northern climates? (think it was espanola)

Maybe they would fair better in a greenhouse :P

either way, thank you for your input :)
They don't do any better for me in my greenhouse, probably even more humid in there at times. I've never tried espanola but Numex varieties were all bred for the New Mexico climate as far as I know

"Developed by Dr Matta and Dr Nakayama in 1984, this cultivar resulted from a hybridization between 'Sandia' and a northern New Mexico strain of chile. It is an early maturing red chile cultivar (55 days) and is grown for its earliness. The 5-7in fruits have a mild pungency (1500 to 2000 Scoville units)"
http://www.thechileman.org/results.php?chile=1&find=NUMEX ESPANOLA IMPROVED&heat=Any&origin=Any&genus=Any

If you want a really productive mild Numex/Anaheim type, I seriously recommend the Sahuaro hybrid which does amazingly well for me and makes excellent roasted green or red peppers

Potawie's Sahuaro 2010
hello everyone

these are all peppers that I have my eye on and will probably get at some point :P
p.s. im not the only one on here growing things other then superhots right? lol...
it's a shame that I've no idea where to get seeds for chillies that aren't superhots or habs in Australia that are verified good strains. (edit: got hungarians (hot wax and black) and my own cayennes, jalapenos and thai, but that's it)
it's a shame that I've no idea where to get seeds for chillies that aren't superhots or habs in Australia that are verified good strains. (edit: got hungarians (hot wax and black) and my own cayennes, jalapenos and thai, but that's it)

have you tried searching for places that sell heirloom seeds?
thats where i found most of the proven strains.

try looking for an australlian seed saving group simular to this: http://www.seeds.ca/en.php
I know theres one in america and in canada, should be one in the UK at least...
they have a HUGE list of places that sell heirloom seeds.