sun Orange Hab..too much water? or too much sun?

OR BOTH?????!! here are some pics.. this plant just started llooking this way after being transplanted over this passed weekend.

Transplanting a plant that large with pods then putting it into the full sun can definitely shock the plant a bit. I have had that happen several times after transplanting but they eventually recover.
To me it looks like too much water. But if you transplanted it, it could be a combination of the 2. It could be heat related as well, however, usually when mine wilt when the temps get over 95 or so, the leaves dont tend to curl like that. But they look almost identical to when I get hit with a TStorm out of the blue after a heavy watering. I use a cheapo moisture monitor from a local DIY store to tell if the soil is really wet (since I don't have 12" fingers), and that seems to give me a idiots guide to watering! Good Luck.

throw that bad boy in the shade for a few days. i was always told that after i transplant any plant to leave it our of intense direct sun for a few days to a week to let the roots settle into their new home, i usually get a little wilting for a day then the plant springs back.
Transplanting a plant that large with pods then putting it into the full sun can definitely shock the plant a bit. I have had that happen several times after transplanting but they eventually recover.

+1 on that! Get them out of the sun until they recover; bright light is okay, but no direct sun for a week.

I would add; next time try to anticipate so you're not transplanting after they've got mature pods. Knocks the snot out of them, it does. :)