Orange Habanero, Yellow 7 Pot, and Black Congo (Chocolate Habanero) Pods


Would you help me get rid of the rest of my 2010 Harvest please?

How about one of the best deals of the year...

Black Congo - 4 lbs in a medium flatrate box - 35.00 (Includes shipping - 4 available)
Orange Habanero - 5 lb in a medium flatrate box - 20.00 (Includes Shipping- 2 available)
Yellow 7 Pot - 4 lb in a medium flatrate box - 35.00 (Includes Shipping - 2 available)

First come first serve....PM if you are interested...this is for Continental 48 US states only.

Paypal only...

per pound rates available for mixing and matching, but it will cost you more...

My goodness, that is one heck of a deal!

Too bad i didn't live 600 miles further south.

Jesus, AJ. What do people do with that many hot peppers. I can't figure out what to do with my small harvest.

If you have 7 pot seed leftover, I would sure like some, though. And I wouldn't mind a fresh pod or three to get it from, either. It's the one superhot that a lot of y'all seem to like the taste of as well. I can dig that.

Any plans to make more work for yourself for small quantities in an SASE situation? :)

C'mon, I'm a 'neighbor'. I'll even buy you a beer next time you're in town. :D

Jesus, AJ. What do people do with that many hot peppers. I can't figure out what to do with my small harvest.

sell them ;)

If you have 7 pot seed leftover, I would sure like some, though. And I wouldn't mind a fresh pod or three to get it from, either. It's the one superhot that a lot of y'all seem to like the taste of as well. I can dig that.

Any plans to make more work for yourself for small quantities in an SASE situation? :)

C'mon, I'm a 'neighbor'. I'll even buy you a beer next time you're in town. :D

we can talk...and I am sure something can be worked out...
only thing left is the yellow 7 pot...all else gone...

thanks all...
Thanks Chris...overall was a down year for me...I don't think I got more than 250 lbs off 350 seems like last year was a better lb per plant average..

I have re-assessed the situation and found I have two more Black Congo medium flatrate and two Yellow 7 Pot medium flatrate boxes left $35.00 each...already in the box waiting for a good home...

PepperBen...if you had rather have the Black Congos instead of the 7, let me know and I will adjust accordingly...just not sure if you wanted something else since you posted after I said all else was gone..

to those that have bought peppers, thanks very much...I hope they keep you warm on these cool December nights...
Thanks Chris...overall was a down year for me...I don't think I got more than 250 lbs off 350 seems like last year was a better lb per plant average..

I have re-assessed the situation and found I have two more Black Congo medium flatrate and two Yellow 7 Pot medium flatrate boxes left $35.00 each...already in the box waiting for a good home...

PepperBen...if you had rather have the Black Congos instead of the 7, let me know and I will adjust accordingly...just not sure if you wanted something else since you posted after I said all else was gone..

to those that have bought peppers, thanks very much...I hope they keep you warm on these cool December nights...

I would like both please. :dance:

thanks all for your response...these are the only two left...

two Yellow 7 Pot medium flatrate boxes left - $35.00 each
to all that have ordered...all packages are in the mail...

and again I thank you for supporting AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots[sup]TM[/sup]