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Orange Tree Habanero

I started a few seeds a couple of weeks ago and this little plant is growing taller and faster than anything else. I was wondering if anyone has grown this recently and do they have any pics of this?

I've seen some posts on here about it, also called habanero de arbol if you want to search around a bit.

I haven't grown it but it looks pretty cool.
My tree hab/habanero de arbol greew about 12 ft. tall.
I forget How old it was when Broad Mites killed it.
It was in a 35 gal. pot.
Back in the late 90's I got the seeds from a nursery worker.
The story goes that a guy went home-South America somewhere.
He missed eating them,so he brought seeds and planted them at the nursery so he could eat them whenever he wanted them,
Customers were amazed at seeing a Chili plant that looked like a tree full of chili's.
So the nursery supplier grew plants for sale.
1st year they sold like hot cakes.
So the 2nd year they grew more,,,
Since we don't have something called WINTER (I think it's called)here in S. Ca.
Nobody bought plants.
They didn't grow them again for about 4-5 years,
Everyone who wanted them still had the original plant.
Sales also stopped because people wanted a 12ft. plant in a 5 gal, pot.
Some killed their plants because they were too big and they had a life time supply of pods...
I believe they are a stable cross of Bac. and Chinense.
I believe I'm the source of the original seeds..
I have a red version that I grew from original seeds-was supposed to be orange.
I had a Black too but it is NOT stable in any way shape or form,
He said his Family had a very large one for as long as he could remember.
Mine was just a baby...
You'll notice it has a chinense/Baccatum  taste depending on if the pods were Spring pods,cool weather, (Baccatum ) or Summer warm weather pods taste more Chinense (not strong Chinese).
I  gave away several pounds of pods and seeds for years before Beth at Peppermania sold the seeds.
I believe she was the first Person to sell seeds from plants I grew from the original source.
Beth was a GOOD friend of mine!