Orchid Pepper Review - From PepperLover.com

This is an outstanding pepper!  One of the best flavors I've had.  Very sweet, fruity, slight bell peppery, and creamy flavor.  All of that blended together equals a big fat 10 in my book.
My Rating:
Heat: 1
Flavor: 10
"As you can see...from the shape of them...you could sit them down and..."
I totally thought you were about to say you could use them like a top and spin them.   :lol:
i love this pepper youall
i have some dry which is taster than the fresh 
if you guys like to review it pm me plz 

bishops hat...PI 497974 it also has many other names; Balloon, Pimenta Cambuci, Campane, Peri Peri, Ubatuba Cambuci, Aji Flor, Orchid, Christmas Bell and Bishops Crown to name a few all leads to  mild pods which are especially good for stuffing if you don't want it too hot. Practically non pungent when used with foods. But still has same c.baccatum 
Wow, tastier dry than fresh? I have had one of these growing this summer and I can attest, the flavor is awesome! I like to lightly salt em amd eat them like cucumbers. I haven't tried it dry yet though, gonna have to do that!
Dried, they taste really great. I think they have a sight taste of vanilla that way. Hell, they are just great anyway you want to eat `em