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seeds ordered seeds!

Well, I ordered some seeds a wee while back and i got em in today!:D Was happy when I saw the envelope haha, the ones I order was the:

Unknown Siberian Sweet

Black Hungarian

Biker Billy (I ain't never heard of this one before, if any of you guys grew it or seen it before if you can tell bout it that'd be nice!:).)

Kavalerova Sweet

Bell Tower

Purple Glow In Dark (I wanna see a plant that glows in the dark haha:D)
Last but not least the Brazilian Starfish! :D weird name, hope it packs some heat haha

and the coolest part is that they sent 2 pack of free gift seeds! I never seen a seed site giving away free packs of seeds
the ones they sent free was:

Mystery seed which was 50 seeds (yes i did count it, i was bored and looked like alot haha

and Ancient Sweet seems like its pretty cool, one.. well the name makes it sound cool haha.

Well, I think I'll soak them in water for a while and wait for a wee tap root looking thing to shoot out and plant em, I think I might to a grow log about em but I don't know if I want to or not though, I don't know, leave it up to you guys whether want me to or not...
Billy Biker is one variety of jalapeno. Not sure if the transposition was intentional...? The brazilian starfish is supposed to be hotter than a jalapeno - not sure if it is, tho.
Billy Biker is one variety of jalapeno. Not sure if the transposition was intentional...? The brazilian starfish is supposed to be hotter than a jalapeno - not sure if it is, tho.

Oh, hmm the seeds i ordered from seedrack are kind of small and puny compared the seedlings I see on other peoples grow logs, that or its different kinds... not so sure but I think I might try to post some pics of them for ya guy sometime this week.

Oh and quick question for any of you guys that use lights for plants. Are fluorescent tubes good enough to start them, and are LED panel grow lights any good for them...
Hmm.... Sorry noob question about to hit..

Does soaking your seeds till they germinate a good idea? Or is putting them in a moist paper towel better?
I soak mine in chamomile tea overnight and then pop them straight into a seed raising medium (Jiffy pellets or seed raising mix). Always does the trick for me!
Vladen(Rainbowchileseeds) is a great guy to deal with and a member here.
Biker Billy jalapenos are said to be hybrids although I hope to disprove that next season. There is no need to soak chile seeds, they are thin and small and don't really need to be softened up like bigger, bulkier seeds. I always use floros for starting plants but don't start too early or you'll run out of room very quickly
Hmm, well I got to say one thing! I got more seeds in today! Unfortunately no pepper seeds, but I like growing lots of plants and the seeds that I got in from them are:

Desert Rose

Carpet Bugle

Cactus- Succulent Mix 200 seeds

Drawf Lily of the Nile

Corn Cockle

Shooting Star

Alpine Summer Gentian

Dwarf Elephant Ear

I am expecting many many more seeds from them to come in, so hopefully they'll be in sometimes this week, or hopefully tommorow haha :).. Yea I know what you're thinking, What!??! No pepper seeds!?!?! Are you KIDDING!?!?!?!?!!?

Or maybe it would be me that would be thinking that if I was you guys. Well.. you guys growing anything besides peppers on here?
I don't think it's odd at all the be growing other things besides peppers. I'm actually about to go sow 7 or 8 different types of tomatoes, a few different types of pumpkin and rockmelon, and some herbs. Oh and some purple carrots.
i don't think that it's odd either - in addition to my chiles, i also grew 12 varieties of tomatoes, 2 varieties of basil, oregeno, cilantro, and thyme. whatever trips your trigger :)
I got to ask this, do any of you guys have green houses for your plants? If so did you buy it or build it? If you built it how long did it take and how efficient would you say it is?
Oops, forgot to add, went to store today, and I found that they had 5 gallon and 2 gallon buckets! Now that I found those I should be able to have very productive peppers, or at least thats what Franz had told me... I noticed, many people here are growing plants that are usable haha. Well its good idea to grow the plants that you like, one thing I wish i could find is banana seeds. I tryed to grow tomatoes, but the problem was i saw other peoples tomato plants and it seems like my plants were kind of leggy and stretching like crazy..
I grow as many different types of veggies as I do varieties of peppers! My peppers include two types of bell, sweet banana, Hungarian Hot Wax, cayenne, habanero, jalapeno, fish, 7-pod.

My other plants include six varieties of tomatoes, sorghum, peanuts, broccoli, carrots, onions, horseradish, lettuce, cucumbers, Swiss Chard, cotton, potatoes, green beans, strawberries, bananas, basil, peas, beets and probably a few I am forgetting.

I grew the Brazilian Starfish last year and it does have some heat. Bit more than a jalapeno, maybe in the Tabasco range.
I grow as many different types of veggies as I do varieties of peppers! My peppers include two types of bell, sweet banana, Hungarian Hot Wax, cayenne, habanero, jalapeno, fish, 7-pod.

My other plants include six varieties of tomatoes, sorghum, peanuts, broccoli, carrots, onions, horseradish, lettuce, cucumbers, Swiss Chard, cotton, potatoes, green beans, strawberries, bananas, basil, peas, beets and probably a few I am forgetting.


Cotton? I ain't never seen one of those plants before. Where'd ya get your peanut seeds from?

If you can post any pics on this one that'd be nice :D :D
Well guys, hope you don't mind reading my on going typing haha, yesterday got home late and I saw a little box! And to my suprisement my other seed order was in it!! :D One of the packs that were in there that I was happy about was the Venus Flytrap seeds. And I got many many pepper seeds, not sure if they're any good peppers but I thought that they would be pretty cool to have. And when I was about to open the box I had noticed that it had already been open, I swear customs and the gubment is out to get me! >.<

Anywho... I got lots of seeds sent in and with all of them i was thinking that I should try to start my own plant shop here (meaning where I live..) and open one of those things that always have fresh veggies and what not! :D Well, with the veggies they'll just have to stick to peppers unless I get other seeds (doubt that...). But I know you must be tired of my ranting on with all this and what not haha, heres the pepper seeds list! :D

Caribbean Red

Choco Habanero


Jamaican Red and Yellow Scotch Bonnet

Pretty Purple

Cherry Pepper


White Hot Habanero

Sorry to say but thats all the pepper seeds, I was hoping for more because I had forgotten what I ordered haha.