Organocide 3 in 1 poisoining if no protection?

Sorry if this is a false alarm but I am worried.
Alright, I was dumb and was spraying for aphids with ORGANOCIDE 3 in 1 and got it all over myself and didn't think anything of it.
Now I feel funny and have hunan arm (that is where it kept hitting when I was spraying.)
Am I OK ? has anyone ever used it and done this before?
I am worried. I just sprayed all over my arms even though it said not to (again I am stupid) and now it feels like I have hunan arms.

Sorry to the mods if this is a false alarm but please understand I am worried because of my dumb decicion not to use protection!!
get the hospital right away dont mess around with it,
i cant say for sure if your poisoned or not but seek medical attention immediatly
if you have not already done so
thanks your friend Joe
I think main ingredient pyrethin if that makes a difference.
Again I am sorry if the title of the post causes too much trouble with the site.

it smells like fish.

I think I will be OK I need to change the title.

Thanks, AJI Joe.

I believe I am tough, that is why I just sprayed and did not think anything of it.
But when you start to feel funny that's when you realize some things might get the best of youy no mattrr how tuff you think u r.
Seriously - if after carefully washing off a substance it's still a problem, you should seek medical attention. Most of us on this site are not doctors, and one who is could lose their license if they tried to diagnose without a visual inspection. If the worst thing that comes of going to see a doctor is that you pay an office visit fee that it turns out you didn't need to pay, that's better than finding out the hard way that you should have gone when you didn't. 
Wouldn't worry too much as it is an organic insecticide made from 5% sesame oil - 92% edible fish oil and 3% Lecithin (which is an edible emulsifier) - SO don;t think it will do much harm other than irratation.
Product Description Organocide is an organic insecticide and fungicide that works on 25 common pest insects, and 4 problem diseases for plants. It is a nature-safe, organic spray oil effective on a wide variety of insects, mites, armored and soft scales and certain fungal diseases. It is insecticidal to the eggs, larvae, and nymphs of insects and adults of soft bodied insects. Controls a wide range of mite and insect pests, and certain fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot on roses, helminthesporium and greasy spot on citrus. Use on vegetables, fruits, nuts, vine crops, herbs, ornamentals, greenhouse crops, landscape plants, bulbs, flowers and field crops. Active ingredient: sesame oil 5.0% / inert ingredients: edible fish oil 92.0% and Lecithin 3.0%. OMRI Listed.
And the MSDS on it states : MSDS FOUND HERE :
Potential Health Effects:
Primary Entry Routes:
Skin, ingestion.
Target Organs:
gastrointestinal tract.
Acute Effects:
Inhalation may cause allergic reaction. Ingestion may cause vomiting and diarrhea. Skin
contact may cause irritation on sensitive skin.
Chronic Effects:
None known
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Long
Term Exposure:
None known.
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposur
: None
: NTP? No
OSHA Regulated
? No
Thank you all who replied. I did not mean to cause a ruckus but I was genuinely worried at first. I thought,-Yeah so what - its just a little pesticide.
Then after I sprayed myself completely I started to think about it, and I started feeling funny, in fact I nstil fel a klittle funny. Biut Im sure I wil be OK
Thyanks for your responses.
I will be OK I think, No prob.
Thank You. Sorry To Stir up the community.
Hey PD FYI  It's probably not a good idea to be spraying oil based insecticides on your peppers this time of year anyway. It's too hot and you can burn the leaves. If you must, make sure you spray early in the morning or early evening and preferably keep the plants in the shade all day afterwards. 