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So, I put my new little seedlings outside for a few hours of glorious sunlight. Then, I check seed starter to look and see if any more have sprouted. Now, I don't remember touching anything other than the trays but evidently I did. I sat down to watch tv and then my eye itched... so I scratch it with the back of my index finger. Instantly my eyeball is on fire, like someone put a cigarette out in it. I ran to the bathroom and started washing out my eye, didn't really help. Now the entire right side of my face is on freaking fire. don't know who the culprit was but I am growing caribbean reds, cayennes, black pearls, devils tongues, white habs, yellow t. scorpions, and bhuts. What a great start to a day.

I've never had anything like that from touching a plant - only from touching a pod. You might want to get that checked by a doc - it might not be what you think it is.
I found the culprit, well one of two options for the culprit... it was either the trinidad volcano powder I got as an extra from pepperlover.com, or it was the dragon dust i got as an extra from thechilefarm.com... They were sitting on the lid of the propagator and i moved them. Im betting it was the trinidad volcano because the packet does not seal very well..
If it's any consolation, I did pretty much the same thing just now. Chopped up some habs for dinner tonight, made sure to wash my hands, but as I was putting things in the dishwasher a few minutes ago I didn't even think about the stuff left on the cutting board...

I think the lesson here is more don't put your fingers anywhere near your eye, only bad can come of it.
Haha your half stoned :rofl:

Sorry couldn't help myself :lol: She'll be right mate and as said you have just learned a valuble lesson.