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Over-ferting question....

I used half the recommended dose of this on my first batch of pepper plants to go outside, and they're about due for more. I did the same with my second batch to go outside, and they are not due for more but I didn't mark the date they got some.

Can I just go ahead and give them more since I was conservative in their first dose anyway? Or is the fert overdose line a fine one, and I should play it safe rather than risk crossing it?

I'm thinking I'm fine to just put them on the same schedule and give them all more now, but I haven't seen the effects of fert burn first hand so thought I'd ask you guys.

Also, is the fert any good?

Side-note, all 3 of my ornamental purples are putting out flowers, and none of the ones I really care about are. So it goes.... But at least something's happening. Curse my late start and this race to winter.
If you did half the recommended amount, and you're worried about burning the plants, then start with a little more than half, and increase it slowly over the next couple of months. There's no set in stone line per se for over fertilizing, each plant will tell you how much is too much if you watch it carefully. So just increase the amount slowly each time, and watch the plants for the next few days afterwards.
Will be fine. Don't worry about it too much. Unless you are using heavy doses, you will notice if you over fert before you actually kill them. When they are young It's more fine of a line then when they are older and much bigger. I personally wouldn't be concerned. Do it and see what happens. The only way you are going to learn is by trying it out. Experience is the best teacher. It's also not a big deal if you just hold off another week and fertilize them later. Unless you are growing hydroponically, where in this, there is a lot less room for error.
Thanks for the advice.

I guess my biggest concern is whether overfertilizing will set them back further than not enough fert would.
Normally it is the Nitrogen that causes any fert burn but that is a fairly low nitrogen containing product (4-6-8) NPK -- so it should not do an harm to your plants giving them all a dose to get them onto the same schedule - just be sure to do it at a cooler part of the day (either early morning or late evening and not during the hot part of the day.
If you want explosive growth and the plants to have their best chance at getting a bunch of pods. Go organic and start making some AACT's. Look at Pepper-Guru's Glog and see what organic growing will get you.

Ps: organic feeding is almost impossible to over feed.

Pss: I'm suggesting this because it sounds like you have a bit of urgency and want your plants to pod up before winter set.

Psss: Good luck...lol :hell:
Yes you should be fine giving them more. If the plants are in the ground it might even be hard to overfertilize with that stuff.

The best way to fertilize (besides brewing up exotic organic mixes) is to give them a little at a time rather than big doses weeks apart. So for example if you would have given a potted plant a tablespoon every month, give them 1/2 teaspoon every 5 days instead or whatever interval fits in your schedule.
elcap1999 makes a good point above. How much fertilizer is good and how much is too little or too much will depend on a lot of variables but your plant will let you know. Periodic, low to moderate applications of fertilizer are much better than less frequent applications that might shock the plants. Your judgment will guide you in the right direction. As an aside, in instances when I've sensed that I've overfertilized, I have had good luck flushing the soil with water over the next few days. It's not a cure all but these plants are pretty forgiving if you don't jump off the deep end. Don't worry and be happy.
