water Over-hard Water, Calcium Lock, and Epsom Salt

I just started adding Epsom salt to my irrigation water about 3 weeks ago (2 TBS/3.5 gal water).  Man, what a difference, at least with some of the plants!  I use regular Phoenix tap water that's been sitting for a day or two to allow the chlorine/fluorine to go away and add 1/4 strength fish emulsion for my vegging plants and I also add 1/4 strength Super Bloom to the plants that have fruit or are budding.  This has been what I have consistently done pre- and post-Epsom salt.  Smart pots all around except for a few plastic pots, an airpot, and a generic mesh tote bag.
As you can see from the pics, the old growth was all calcium deficient and wrinkly in the leaves.  The leaves were smallish and growth was very slow, especially compared to the annuums.  A lot of the leaves were that sickly yellowish-green color from Mg deficiency too.  Didn't make sense that we have all this Ca and Mg in our water but nothing was getting into the plants.  I did some research and I believe this was due to the over-hard water we have in the area (really, really high concentrations of Ca) which basically caused calcium lock and blocked the Ca and Mg from getting absorbed.  If I'm right in my theory, the added Mg from the Epsom salt balanced out the Ca/Mg ratio so the plants sensitive to that can start absorbing it more readily. 
Or, I could be talking straight out of my ass lol.  Seems to be working, though, and making the biggest difference in my ghost peppers and a little less but still noticeable in the Scotch Bonnet and other chinenses (Butch T and red hab).  The annuums (jalapeno, cayenne, pequin, serrano, thai hot) have always been healthy since planting out (no signs of calcium lock) and don't seem to have benefitted much at all from the Epsom salt.  What do you guys think?

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looks like you are doing everything correct.....and the moment you think you got it down, bam! the rules change.
you could have 2 separate pots with scotch bonnets, one may respond differently than the next. every plant grows their own way. i make a batch of epsom salt and mist everything, every 4 days.
as for ferts, i was using miracle gro 18-18-21, but am in the midst of switching to maxibloom 5-15-14 from general hydroponics of course g/h products are double the price but i am expecting the calcium nitrate to supplement the peppers. it already contains magnesium sulfate(epsom salt) and i am expecting double the results from the GH product.
good luck in your growing effort.
I have been reading tonight that flowers might drop if cal mag Dif. so I know I will be giving them all some.  Most years I use a lot of Mag in my nuts but this year I haven't been using nuts so I haven't pulled out the Epson Salt :(  the plants look good just not setting flowers.. will know soon if it works my Hab has a lot of flowers on it.  