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overwintering Over wintering in Memphis,TN. ZONE 7B

Hi everyone.I am planning on putting out three types of peppers.Bhut Jolokia,Trinidad Scorpion and Tepin.I have never planted these before.I just always bought the peppers online.I know this is kind of early to be asking this question but, I would like a heads up.Last year here,in the winter,It never got down to below freezing but once.Already we have more insects than we know what to do with. I would like to leave my plants outside over this next winter.I have to small a house to bring them in. Can I cut them to ground and cover or what are some suggestions? I may have to just start all over next year if they can't winter outside.I look forward to your responses.Thanks
Hey, Scott! I lived there for over 30 years, and I do not believe you could overwinter peppers outdoors there. Yes, there are winters where it barely drops below freezing, but there are also winters where it gets in the teens. The average low temperature for Memphis in the winter is right around the freezing mark. That means there could be an equal number of days above that point, as there is below it. Most peppers will not tolerate temperatures below freezing. You would need some way to protect them. Is a small greenhouse an option?
Is cutting them back and keeping them in smaller pots (e.g. 1 gallon) not an option?

A cold frame could probably get them through the winter. Something like this:


Shouldn't be terribly expensive and they're pretty easy to build yourself. Some black mulch or some water jugs painted black put in there might help too.
Thanks you two.I guess I will have to dig up and put in containers. That's ok I was just trying to prevent that.What is the best way when the time comes to accomplish this? I mean transplanting them to a container.