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overwintering Overwintered Pequins - Mexico

I'm keeping two of my largest Mexican Pequin types from 2012 indoors to put out this season. They were cut down to stumps in late October/early November. These plants just love to grow! I can't wait to see how they do as second year plants if they stay alive until June.


My Chiltepin Amarillos were like trees, I could not believe how massive they grew and they grew from previous year pods they fell into the soil. I am going to start several along the fence behind my property this year and see what happens. Good looking OW's.
Grew one in a pot last year. Transplanted it to earth in around december. Did not cut it back though I probably should. It will still lightly producing but hoping this cold snap did not kill it. Looking forward to seeing how well it does with plenty of earth to grow in.