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overwintering Overwintering Nube

I have been told that you can cut plants back quite radically literally to a stick. This seems severe to me but decided to dig up 3 plants that are in the ground and expendable and cut them back into 1 gallon pots. I thought I'd see how they do over the next week or so before I start to carve up my supers. My guinea pigs are a Cayenne, a sweet Carmen and a Corno Di Toro. Here's a pic of my efforts


So how about it, any of you overwintering pros care to comment?
When bringing them in, try to place them near a south facing window and keep them away from a direct heater vent. And be sure not to water them too much.
I too am a Newbie in overwintering peppers---but I think we should start at the beginning.

First of all when should we start overwintering peppers? When Their leaves fall off?
If that is so I am 3 weeks too late for my Bhut Jolokia chocolates. They died off and came back 3 weeks ago so I am way too late to save them!!!!

Second; When you rip them rudely out of mother earth and cut off their arms and feet why in the world should you think that they will forgive you for your trespass and grow instead of curling up their toes??
Fat chance; so don't piss and moan if they croak.

Thirdly---there always has to be a third---it is a law of human valuation and closure; Like 3 strikes is out; and three sheets to the wind; and the three faces of infinity ( Tewas; Odin; Thor) ; or days of the week. The third leg supports the stool and three primary color we visualize as the infinite rainbow. And earth is the third rock from the sun; and human Genetic information is encoded in DNA and RNA using a triplet; and Atoms consist of three constituents: protons, neutrons, and electrons; and the three sided triangle maps the world. Well thirdly I guess that when bankers rip off humans and steal from the people they should be given a rapid internment and pepper should be planted in their soil. Old Wisconsin Proverb.
I cut mine further than that and am already getting new growth. Just a stick with a rootball, but mine were already container grown. Only light they're getting is the overhead fluorescent in my bedroom.

Balac, first: I'm no pro, but it seems to me as long as you get them in before the first serious frost hits, you should be fine. I brought mine in a bit early as it wasn't practical to maintain the garden at the old property with me moving.

Second: Nightshades are spiteful. If you love them, they die. If you ignore them, they thrive. If you abuse them short of killing them, they flourish. If you have any doubts, check out pepperguru's overwintering thread and 2012 glog.

Third: Two sides of a coin are sufficient unless your OCD demands consideration of the edge.
Thanks, I do realize there's a wealth of info on overwintering but was looking to get an experienced eye on my carved up plants, wondering if it was too extreme ...

Why is is that every poster thinks his question is unique? There is a plethora of information on ovewintering including pruning methods on this board.
Why is is that every poster thinks his question is unique? There is a plethora of information on ovewintering including pruning methods on this board.
I think he just wanted an idea of whether his method was correct.
I'm not sure he thought his question was unique.
Why is is that every poster thinks his question is unique? There is a plethora of information on ovewintering including pruning methods on this board.

I can see why people asking questions that are easily found with a search would be annoying for the more seasoned members of the forum, but I must admit that, as someone pretty new to growing stuff, I find it really valuable that people bring topics like this to my attention...as more often than not, it's about things I've not heard of before.
Why is is that every poster thinks his question is unique? There is a plethora of information on ovewintering including pruning methods on this board.

Why have a discussion board if no one can discuss?????? Gently pointing someone to a sitcky, or telling them to search a frequently asked topic is okay and I've done it more than once, but lobbing a questionable comment towards the OP isn't taking the high road and helping the guy with the question.
Just a word of advice, the annuums you chose will get tall and lanky indoors. Any mini thai's for a bonchi project? If not just go with the super hots (c.chinense). If those explode with growth you can always prune to force lower growth. As someone else has mentioned check the "Pepper-Guru's" sticky on overwintering, its at the top of the page......good stuff!