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overwintering Overwintering setup

Its getting about time to dig up my peppers and bring em inside, so i've been thinking of different setups for the winter. Here is what i've decided on: a cheap metal framed mini greenhouse from ebay, a few space blankets for covering the frame (instead of the supplied poly covering) my trusty mh and hps combo grow light (210w total) a humidity and temp indicator, and some vent fans. Its going to be in my living room so ambient air temp should be about 68 in the dead of winter. I'm hoping that with the space blankets it should stay pretty warm inside even with the smallish 210w light setup. Let me know what you guys think.
It depends upon your goal. I repot (I grow in pots) and give the tops and bottoms a fairly severe pruning, ensuring I remove all the leaves. I've laid down a sheet of plastic in a room I don't really use, and put the plants on it. The room has windows on two sides without any covering. Done. No greenhouse, no blankets, no grow lights. A fan to ensure continued air circulation, and water/fert as needed are it. Frankly, I want a break from uber-tending my plants, especially through the holidays, and this approach gives that break to me.
You don't have to bring your plants inside...

It doesn't get cold enough in S. California.

I'm in Florida and simply prune them back a bit. I also re-position pots so that they're protected from the cold fronts coming from the NW. I watch the weather and when it does freeze (not often), I cover with blankets. Then, when its nice again, I uncover.

I have picked peppers in January BTW.

Then, in Spring, I trim roots and repot.

I lose some but that happens no matter what you do.

Take care and enjoy your peppers.
It depends on where in So. Cal you live.Some spots get below freezing. The further inland you are or the higher up you go. Check the records where you live. So Cal is a large area with many macro/micro climates.
I live in the Sierra Pelona mountains so the winters get pretty cold, in the teens during the colder days of winter. We also get substantial amounts of snow on the occasion. I finally got around to digging up and potting all the peppers in 1 gallon pots, the weather is calling for nighttime temps in the upper 30's so I'm going to start bringing them in at night. I will most likely prune most all of them back except 2 that I want to grow during the winter, I'm gonna try and get a real early start on next season and start germinating Jay's peach ghost scorpion seeds here in a couple weeks, I can't wait to see how those guys turn out!