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overwintering Overwintering stuff...

Hey everybody :)
So I'm considering overwintering this huge ghost pepper plant I have. I was amazed at how huge it got and produced within the first year so I was really hoping to keep that going. Anyway so I have a few questions as this was my first year growing any sort of pepper plant.
1.) What kind of lights would I need? Any clue on what they would run me?
2.) Will they produce throughout the winter?
3.) Will I have to prune them?
Thanks a ton!
What about bringing them in for the winter but with the intentions of having them continue to produce? Good, bad idea? Just dig with without pruning and keep them under appropriate lighting. I'd love to keep some jalapeno peppers going all winter. Otherwise, I'll do as the guide suggests and prune back my ghost and scorpion plants and bring them in.
Last year, i overwintered 4-5 plants in my unheated garage with a very low tech setup of just a couple spiral fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) overhead
  • Prune
  • Repot
  • Move to garage
  • Dangle 2 spiral fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) overhead with timer switch
Clearly, I did not continue to get new peppers, but I did get an itty bitty bit of new growth on a couple plants.  