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Ozone in hydro?

It just occurred to me that ozone could potentially be used in hydroponics as an oxidizer. Sure it would be expensive so not practical but it might offer some advantages. I don't know why it is that algae is resistant to ozone while so many microbes are obliviated by it, but perhaps this trait could be shared by other plant life. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Any chance anyone has ever tried it??
I like beneficial microbe approach in general, but like everything, it has its downsides. II'm not saying ozone would be the best solution but it is worth thinking about.
Ozone is a very powerful oxidizer and also dangerous.

You could wind up taking care of the harmful bacteria as well as what you're trying to grow.
willard3 said:
Airstones do the same thing and the air is free.
? Not at all the same
Bob_B said:
Ozone is a very powerful oxidizer and also dangerous.
You could wind up taking care of the harmful bacteria as well as what you're trying to grow.
That's why the levels would need to be kept in check just like any other oxidizer. It's not dangerous at low levels like those typical in swimming pools with ozone systems
I've heard of people bubbling ozone through their storage tank between cycles.
Knowing damn near nothing about hydro, blasting the plants with straight O3 sounds somewhat dubious.
Geonerd said:
I've heard of people bubbling ozone through their storage tank between cycles.
Knowing damn near nothing about hydro, blasting the plants with straight O3 sounds somewhat dubious.
Lol no no the O3 would be dissolved at less than 1 ppm in the water, not blasted straight onto the plants! That's cool that you've heard of it, I haven't looked into it much but yours is the first mention I've heard
The guy I remember as having the Ozone Idea was a co-worker growing dope in his closet. Seems he had some crud in his tank and was trying different things to exorcise the bugs. IMO, he'd had a few too many and was not the sharpest pencil in the box - I don't remember ever hearing how his experiment turned out...  ;)
I know that atmospheric ozone is very harmfull to plants. I don't know how it would affect the roots though.