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Padre Jeff's First Attempt (2011)

Well, we have begun the process. Shall learn as we go hand's on here instead of just reading others stories (although that has been the best learning I've ever had from a forum!).

Not all are in the seed mix yet, but planted 72 cells of peppers this afternoon, tomatoes tomorrow.

Plus, I have seeds enroute from sharing forum members.

Here's my set up thus far:


This will be the final inventory: (depending on what comes up and grows in the garden!)

Tabago Seasoning
Kung Pao
Long Red Slims
Early Jalapeno
Sweet Banana
Red Crimson
Roja Asado
Carribbean Red
Orange Hab
NuMex 6-4
Dorset Naga
Texas Wild Chiltepin
Holland Hot Finger
Bhut Jolokia
Looks like you're off to the races. Just wait till you see that first little hook pop up. Sure made my day growing from seed for the first time. :onfire:
First off, welcome to the forum, you found the right one for lots of advice and info. Looks like a good start. What will you be using for grow lights?
First off, welcome to the forum, you found the right one for lots of advice and info. Looks like a good start. What will you be using for grow lights?

Have two 4', 2 bulb fixtures (T8 Sylvania GroLux)

They don't show in pics as they are on the upper two shelves.