food Pan Bread Pizza Mix

Yesterday made some bread but my oven has been out for a while to did it pan style.
Basic bread dough 2c Flour 1c Water, saucer to pre start yeast with honey in it.
Blitz dried mushrooms/Tomatoes, 1/4 cup each.
Add hebs, Fresh Oregano, No salt seasoning mix, Chipotle powder to taste.
Mix with water.
Hydrate Flour 3 hours.
Add ferment and wait another 3 hours and then form and fry.
Added cheddar cheese, Carraway and basil on top :)
I love fry bread/naan/flat bread/whatever you want to call it.  Yours looks excellent!  What is the interplay of caraway and basil with the cheese?  Caraway is a staple in my sauerkraut/cabbage dishes and I use it for bread a lot but not w cheese/basil.  I'm intrigued.  :)
Get out!
Fresh fried pizza crust?
These days I eat all healthy n' sheeit but for that thang'...
Like cheatin' on your wife.
Is it cheatin' if you only do it one time?
LOL Thanks!
Long ago when I used to visit Germany, 80's , in the Pub, they would serve a large slice of rye bread with poured melted cheese on top with Caraways sprinked on top, called "Half a Hen" (Halben Han).
I alwasy loved caraway unfortunatly today the seeds are not hot like they used to be.
I did another one the next night a little differant.
1to1 flour and water, added some buttermilk powder, used Baking powder instead of yeast. Hydrate dry mixtures for 45 min then add Baking powder and leave another 15 min, then pour into very hot pan so it puffs up (mine about 2"), then turn down, kept lid on.
Once about done I layed freash Spinach leaves on top of the Cheddar I placed on their  (and seeds), once cheese melts, plate up and placed some salza on top :)
Very light and fluffy crust :)
It is health, Only Use Org Buckwheat/Tapioca Flour mix lol