chinense Paper Lantern X Butch T Yellow Scorpion f1

Of all the crosses I did last year this is probably one of my favorites for both taste and appearance so far. 
I love the "Devils Prick" shape, taste/smell is of muted scorpion with fruity bubblegum. Hit or miss on heat, one bite is fairly mild and the next lights you up. Certainly not as hot as some the others I have going. 



There's 3 plants going, one puts out the prick shaped pods, another elongated and I may be wrong but I think the 3rd may be orange pods. 

All in all this is a great pepper and one i'm going to work on stabilizing shooting for the prick shape. 
Anyone else growing these feel free to post here and weight in on your thoughts about it. 
Pretty gnarly. Since it's F1 though you're in for a hell of a ride, and I'm sure you'll see some crazy phenotypes come out as the generations go by. Have you tried letting your possible orange pheno ripen longer? They might eventually ripen to red. I like the naming, too. Devil's Prick. 
peppamang said:
Pretty gnarly. Since it's F1 though you're in for a hell of a ride, and I'm sure you'll see some crazy phenotypes come out as the generations go by. Have you tried letting your possible orange pheno ripen longer? They might eventually ripen to red. I like the naming, too. Devil's Prick. 
That's my thought, third plant is buried between the two others so I could barely reach the pods. I'll try leaving them on that plant longer see if they turn red or stay orange. I was harvesting in a hurry in the rain and mosquitoes 
Don't want to give them an official name but if i can stabilize them to the prick shape it's certainly going to be something like Devils prick or something along those lines
megahot said:
Sounds and looks like a cool one! I'd grow it
Thanks, I should have some seeds available this fall. Only thing that I ask is you participate in the community grow thread and share seeds with me if any phenos I like pop up. 
Peter S said:
I have one ripe that looks like the first one you showed. I picked it today, will do a taste test tomorrow and post it here.
Please do, I appreciate any honest feed back, positive or negative. 
This one looks to be very promiseing
I really like the pheno & sounds real tasty.
Diablo pepper company has a f1 reaper X paper lantern form there pics they look like orange/redish paper lanterns with tails
There supposed to have good flavor but sweeter with searing heat.
A comparisom of these too would be interesting .
I hope you continue to have great results an can stablise the pheno you want & get the flavor profile your wanting best of luck.
Plantguy76 said:
This one looks to be very promiseing
I really like the pheno & sounds real tasty.
Diablo pepper company has a f1 reaper X paper lantern form there pics they look like orange/redish paper lanterns with tails
There supposed to have good flavor but sweeter with searing heat.
A comparisom of these too would be interesting .
I hope you continue to have great results an can stablise the pheno you want & get the flavor profile your wanting best of luck.
Thanks, I hope it turns out well and others enjoy it. I got some dehydrating. Can't wait to see how it tastes as a powder. Could go either way. I really liked paper lantern last year but dried as a powder it wasn't so great. Does better fresh or in a sauce. 
I think the next round of these are going to go into a mash or sauce. 
Here's a taste test I did on mine last night. After reflection, I'd say this particular pod was much like a Paper Lantern in flavor, but at least 2 - 2.5x as hot. I'm going to sample another pod at lunch today and get some feedback from my co-workers. The pod I tried from my other plant had some hint of Scorpion in the smell and flavor, but the pods on that one look more Paper Lantern like.
Awesome review thanks Peter! Let me know if you want to try any of the other crosses I can send you a sfrb.

Overall i'm really happy with this pepper both shape and flavor. It's a toss up between the Carbonero cross and this one. Both fairly mild with pretty good taste.

Baha goat cross is much hotter imo, the powder I made burns all the way down.
D3monic said:
Awesome review thanks Peter! Let me know if you want to try any of the other crosses I can send you a sfrb.

Overall i'm really happy with this pepper both shape and flavor. It's a toss up between the Carbonero cross and this one. Both fairly mild with pretty good taste.

Baha goat cross is much hotter imo, the powder I made burns all the way down.
Thanks! Glad you liked it. Yeah, I'd love to try some of the other crosses. The Aji Painapple looks pretty awesome.
Would love to hear everyones thoughts on this pepper that has received pods from me. I think I coined the name Devils prick a little too early because they only displayed the phallic pheno early on. I haven't seen it in any of the late summer pods. I did save seeds from the phallic pods though so that's a shape i'd like to strive for. 
To me, this is a good all around pepper. Decent heat and flavor. Slightly improved over the paper lantern. Med thick walls give it a little more substance when eating on pizza or making powders. 
D3monic said:
Would love to hear everyones thoughts on this pepper that has received pods from me. I think I coined the name Devils prick a little too early because they only displayed the phallic pheno early on. I haven't seen it in any of the late summer pods. I did save seeds from the phallic pods though so that's a shape i'd like to strive for. 
To me, this is a good all around pepper. Decent heat and flavor. Slightly improved over the paper lantern. Med thick walls give it a little more substance when eating on pizza or making powders. 
I liked it a lot. The flavor and heat were good. The plant is very productive too. I'll be interested to see what variations come out of the f2s.