Paper Mulch vs. Black Plastic - Weed advice

I have used that black plastic with holes in it stuff around fence lines and the likes.  Then mulch on top to make it look good.  Same strategy as black plastic under a rock garden or other ornamental things.  Not a production approach to weeds.  Just to make things look nice and the plastic is always hidden.  I can not imagine using it on the main field because frankly, I think it is ugly.  Then there is the thought of having to remove it at some point to amend the soil.

So have been reading about something called Paper Mulch.  Unlike how it sounds it is rolls of compressed paper.  Main benefit over the black plastic is that it breaks down and becomes part of your soil.  I figure I could still throw yard waste mulch on top of it if it breaks down too early in the season, but once the plants are high enough that isnt much of a problem.

Wondering if anyone else has ever used this sort of product and what you think of it.

Also looking for any advice on weeds in general.  Not willing to go the Preen route, but gotta go some route.  Was also thinking truck loads of wood mulch.
Don't put any mulch over plastic or fabric because it will just make maintenance harder down the road.  Mulch by itself is fine but remember weeds come from above and below..
you can get biodegradable plastic mulch too. paper mulch degrades faster on the edges and needs more maintenance. 
do not cover the mulch... yes it doesn't "look natural" but we are going for production here aren't we? 
i mean it looks pretty cool to me but maybe i'm kinda weird.
juanitos said:
you can get biodegradable plastic mulch too. paper mulch degrades faster on the edges and needs more maintenance. 
do not cover the mulch... yes it doesn't "look natural" but we are going for production here aren't we? 
i mean it looks pretty cool to me but maybe i'm kinda weird.
Even with those damn rows the plants would still not allow me to harvest easily hahaha - seems no matter the space I give them they use it. 