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Partial black on leaves

These are some sweets but they reside next to my other hotter cousins, don't want an epedemic! I did a search on sunburn and black leaves, got nothing conclusive.

They were out in the sun for maybe an hour or two a few days ago, otherwise under indoor flouros but keep them 3-inches or less. Only a few of the CW and the BB sweets have it, nothing on other varieties in same locale. Black splooge is only on the first set of true leaves.

More info available, unless this is an easy answer for someone.

Cal Wonder left, Blushing Beauty right. Pots are 2.5-inch for reference:

Closer view of the Cal Wonder.
Whooooooo. Thanks, Alpha. Will move lights higher for them and give more 'sun' TLC attention to hardening than the other species till they grow thru.... :cool:
Yeah I've had that on a lot of my plants, nothing to get too worried about. Not a fungal problem or anything. Certain species definitely seem more prone to get it. Nearly all of my scotch bonnets have had it to some extent. None of the older, bigger plants have it all.

I have two levels in my closet. The top one is T12 shop lights, the bottom is a 6-bulb T5 light that puts out much stronger light. I've played a lot of musical chairs moving the plants back and forth between the two levels. I'm guessing what happened is that some of the plants were moved from the top level to the bottom and took awhile to get used to the stronger light so they got a little sunburn. I've had 6 inch plants about a foot from the bottom light get sunburn, while 1 foot tall plants only about 3-4 inches from the light didn't get it, I'm assuming because they've spent more time under that light and have become acclimated to it.
Thanks, AB, I'm learning one size (light) doesn't fit all. My lights aren't all that strong--2 banks of T-8s with a bank of T-12 in the middle. I shuffle my plants a lot within that small space, maybe problem plants got too much of a hit from the T-12 bank, which runs warmer.

Man, at the beginning I had them right down on the deck of the babies with an inch or two headspace no problem.

Anyway, problem mitigated I hope. Raising lights for all hands for the 'adolescents.' Will keep an eye out for additional burn. Also will cut down duration of light from 18 hours to 16 hours. In reading through various logs, I noticed a lot folks cutting back on hours as they approach plant out.
I used wood to make shelves to move the plants up or down and leave the light alone until it really needs raising.