contest Pasta Throwdown BEGIN!

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The Hot Pepper

Go ahead and begin folks! It's the Pasta Throwdown with no real limitations.

1. Pasta may be store bought or homemade. Any shape.
2. Pasta must be the main course. No pasta on the side here. Pasta/other ratio should be 50%/50% minimum for pasta.
3. Spice it up.
4. "Proof of Life" in teaser pic. $.25*. You must post your final pics (in one post!) with a name for the dish, ingredients, and cooking methods by Sunday at 8pm EDT. This lets you cook it for Easter if you wish.
4. One entry per member allowed.

*Proof of Life shows that this is a new creation and not an old picture. Just add a quarter to the pic of ingredients.


Happy Easter!
Now that sounds more like it! THP found his marbles!

Of course, as always, I am not prepared, and now I have to go fight the Easter Saturday crowd down at the shops here.... see y'all in about 1000 hours with teaser pics (if I survive that is).
Again I have to to sit this one out :( Since I'm not working, and have no funds available I'll be on the sidelines. Have fun guys and may the best dish win :)
Just got back from the sto' 'wit my ingredients....and wine too! In a couple hours I'll be uptight, outta' sight and in the groove!
Pepperfreak said:
Again I have to to sit this one out :( Since I'm not working, and have no funds available I'll be on the sidelines. Have fun guys and may the best dish win :)
Giving the oven a rest? ;)
yaay! I'm in... heading off to the fish markets to pick up my um... pasta... thats right... just pasta... :D
I want to see someone make spicy pasta... as in peppers in the actual pasta. I get some from my Italian specialty store, they make an arrabiata penne. Someone kick it up with a 7-pot ziti. Come on!
I will have to wait till to tommorow to get started on this one, good luck everyone, can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. :) said:
I want to see someone make spicy pasta... as in peppers in the actual pasta. I get some from my Italian specialty store, they make an arrabiata penne. Someone kick it up with a 7-pot ziti. Come on!

That was actually my plan, however I am out of super hots (only have dried ones left), I wanted to made some naga pasta and try to get it to keep a nice rich red color as well. oh well I got a plan b though ;)
WickedMojo said:
That was actually my plan, however I am out of super hots, I wanted to made some naga pasta and try to get it to keep a nice rich red color as well. oh well I got a plan b though ;)
Cool! Yeah the one I get is a rusted red/brown color. Plan B... hmm, hot sauce? Can't wait.
Aw, come on, PF, I bet you have enough stuff in your cupboards to make SOMETHING without spending any money at all. It doesn't have to be super-fancy or expensive, just good and awesome!

I had an idea for the sandwich throwdown to make a 15-layer 3-foot tall Dagwood sandwich. Talked about it with SalsaDude and when we figured out it would cost about $150 to get everything I wanted to put on the sandwich, we decided to go for the grilled cheeses instead.

Hope you can come up with something.............but then again...................if you don't that's one less competitor for the rest of us..............
This is a cool idea. I have seen the throwdown posts, but never participated. I probably won't, since I am far from a chef, but I might be able to make a pasta salad with some peppers. I got plenty of pasta in the cupboard, so only time will tell. Whatever it is, it will be a first time experience as with all my pasta salads are.
I was planning on doing something like you said THP.. but I've never made pasta before.. and I havent got my hands on a pasta maker yet... so whilst I'm sure someone will do it to come up with a win, I'll have to stick with my plan B
I might even come out of hidding for this one!! :)

I have an idea and just waiting to see if it works out.....
Cool guys!

Hey mel you don't need a pasta maker! Look up a basic pasta recipe, make the dough, and roll it flat. The with a knife cut it into pasta. Presto! Linguine! The way you do it is after you roll it out, flour the board again, and then roll it up like a Swiss roll, then, cut it into thin rolls... and when you unroll those thin rolls you have strips of linguine. Does that make sense? Lots of pasta is handmade. Orecchiette you just use your thumb. Lasagna and ravioli are easy. Sheet pasta, and sheet pasta with filling. Done!

Come one guys homemade pasta!!!!!!
if my plan b fails, then i may do home made pasta... we'll see... if the idea i have works then it might just do the job :) I wont be posting pics till late tonight though (its only 1130am)... heheeee i"m excited :)
mel said:
if my plan b fails, then i may do home made pasta... we'll see... if the idea i have works then it might just do the job :) I wont be posting pics till late tonight though (its only 1130am)... heheeee i"m excited :)

Wait... you have a plan A, and plan B already? LOL Plan C is handmade pasta :(
lol.. thats right! my plan A was home made pasta with a machine thingy, plan B is a secret, plan C is handmade and plan D is fallback!! I want a crown!!!!! I told MrMel by plan b and he looked at me like I was crazy!!!! heheheheheeee

I'm off to the markets now... back in a few hours with all my supplies.... mwaaahahahaaaa
The Blues Kitchen is gettin' down brown. Hosky and wine is flowin'....confidence is HIGH! Screw the homemade pasta...more work than it's worth. I gots game!
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