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Pasteurizing mixes, homemade mixes (or not). Suggestions?

Okay, need some suggestions: local feed/seed store has a sale on Baccto Lite. Super-sale for 50lb. bags. It's not old, but just fewer people around here are starting from seed (and I believe that). Here's the link to Baccto Lite: http://www.baccto.co...otting-soil.htm From the site: "Composition:
Pre-moistened blend of sphagnum peat
Dolomitic limestone
Other ingredients" and the other ingredients (at least stated) are "starter and slow-release fertilizers."

Promix BX or one link to it: http://www.hydrofarm...hp?itemid=13546
with "Ingredients":
Canadian Sphagnum peat moss (75-85 % / volume)
Perlite -horticultural grade
Vermiculite - horticultural grade
Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone (pH adjuster)
Wetting Agent
Mycorrhizae - endomycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices)

So, my questions are, while I can (and do) mix up peat, perlite, dolomitic lime, vermiculite--less helpful maybe for peppers than tomatoes--and toss in some mycorrihizae--if I get those bags of Baccto (for 4 bucks 50lb.? Hard to beat that price) and hit that with a little vermiculite, just a touch for peppers, some mycorrhizae--the granular--"should" I pasteurize it for upcoming indoor grow?

Maybe it's overkill, but I pasteurize my compost as it's based in horse manure, hot composted, but I put other stuff in there, broken up, and turn, wet it, even if it aerates with 4" PVC I drilled holes in. I just do if using it for indoor seedlings. But I don't use compost for nutes until 2nd or 3rd pot-ups.

Year before last, not having access to horse manure to compost, I used peat, dolomite lime, perlite, vermiculite and Black Kow compost and had no issues with jalapenos, cayenne, Tabasco, and tomato plants but I consider myself fortunate. I also had fans going on those pretty consistently. Bottom watered only and no fertilizer except some fish/kelp emulsion.

THUS, do I need to create a bigger PIA for myself by pasteurizing this Baccto Lite on serious sale? As I see it, I could just keep augmenting the Baccto Lite in 50 gallon sterilized trash cans, or in contractor garbage bags, sealed, in basement with peat, perlite, dolomite lime, etc. This Baccto's not been sitting in a hermetically sealed operating room. But neither is the peat I buy in bales. Thanks for any suggestions! (I know I do overkill on thinking stuff half to death!)
I've gone through bags of Baccto through the indoor grows and never had an issue with it. I've recently switched to Fafards Pro Mix, as I can get a better price in the long haul.

Bringing any type of compost, castings or guano indoors....can cause issues...besides the fungi, bacteria and larvae ........the rich medium becomes a playground for pests.

I will use all the above extensively outdoors. Compost being the most important. Mine is a mix of horse manure, chicken poop and the usual coffee grounds, eggshells and a mix of "greens and browns".......well aged
Thanks, Greg: just might go get a few bags of the Baccto, then. Wish the local folks carried Fafards--heard it's good stuff--and then just do usual peat, lime, vermiculite, perlite, some mycorr, keeping it all sterile. Compare the two. Again, thanks for the information!