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Patience is a virtue...... right???

So it seems that patience is not my strong point.. kinda know that but anyways... go out this morning and do my usual checks and my seedlings just dont seem to be doing anything! they're growing.. albeit very slowly.. so i have a bit of a sook to myself and move along down the fence and come across my junk pot... the seeds that have sprouted are going great guns..so whats the problem you're thinking right?? well I want all my seedlings to grow like crazy!!

Is it really too early to replant my seedlings into a pot with better dirt and fertiliser and stuff? will it hurt them too much? the junk pot guys are fine and they've been in dirt with all kinds of stuff in it from the beginning....

seeds were planted around the 18th of january and all came up within a week or so.. the junk pot ones didnt even come up till at least a week after that!

any suggestions or words of wisdom??

another thing testing my patience are my habs.. the pods have been on there for weeks and arent showing any signs of turning orange! how long do they normally take? when i first got the plant it had some pods on it that were orange already... but now i want these ones to be orange too!

baby bhuts

baby scotch bonnet

crazy growing junk pot

close up of scotch bonnet in junk pot.. this one i know is an SB for sure (i only put those seeds on this side of the pot)
You want to wait until they are root bound before you go messing about potting up Mel. A lot of the people here are of the opinion that the plants do better this way.
I suppose... it just annoys me that the junk pot is going great guns and the others... well... aren't :(
That might do it there. The peat pots tend to suck the moisture out of the soil. Nothing I have planted in them has thrived. Some people have good luck with them, but not me. Usually it is best to wait for a better root system to transplant, but you might be better off to just go ahead and do it.

Good Luck!
Yeah i agree, when i used peat pots i just planted them directly into soil. The roots found it hard to travel through the peat and the plants suffered because of it.

There you go Mel, we have given you the green light!
thanks guys.. i was just out there again checking it out and you're probably right.. maybe i should just cut the peat pots off and put them into little pots and top up the soil.. that way I'm not really disturbing anything but giving them a better place to grow..

i just found some baby flowers on my peter pepper plant! yaay.. i'm going to have little peter peppers soon!! whoo hoo!!

:feeling better now - yaay!:
Yeah i would do that with the pots, give them some seasol before you play with them. It is supposed to help with transplant shock.