• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2013

We are starting the New Year with a little run of freezing weather; lows in the 25˚F range at night.

1/1/13 - Soaked seeds 24+ hours, put into seed starting mix (BG, peat and perlite mix). The temp in the grow shelf about 72 degrees, the dome trays about 84 degrees.




Here's the seed and overwinter list for this season:

OW greenhouse plants. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant:

Explosive Ember, c. annuum (THSC)​
NuMex Twilight, c. annuum (CPI from Ken/Siliman)​
Black Pearl, c. annuum (THSC)​
Goat's Weed, c. annuum (Shane/Stc3248)​
Bushy Peruvian Market Yellow Aji, c. baccatum
Red Manzano, c. pubescens (Shane)​
Wild Texas Tepin, c. annuum (THSC)​
(?) Wild Brazil c. baccatum var. praetermissum (Shane)​
Fatali, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Ghost Pepper, c. chinense (Robin/Spankycolts P)​
Chocolate Habanero, c. chinense (Refining Fire), also 2 in #1 pots​
'Red' Habanero, c. chinense (Lily Miller) - orange pods​
Peach Habanero, c. chinense (Fernando/SocalChilihead)​
Congo Trinidad, c. chinense (Peppermania)​

Seeds for this season. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant,

H = my pod harvest OP, * = repeat from 2012:​

*Costeño Amarillo, c. annuum (Fernando) H​
*Chiltepin, c.annuum (CPI)
*Marconi Rosso, c. annuum (Hume Organic)​
*Tepin cross, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Tepin 15, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Orange Rocoto, c. pubescens (Peppermania) H​
Devil's Tongue, c. chinense (USHotStuff)​
Yellow Seven, c. chinense (Trippa)​
*Naga Morich, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Bih Jolokia, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Bonda Ma Jacques, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Bahamian Goat, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Congo Trinidad Yellow, c. chinense (Pia/Sanarda pod)​
*Congo Trinidad Red, c. chinense (Peppermania) H​
*Red Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
Jamaican Red Habanero, c. chinense (Ferry Morse)​
Red Savina, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Jamaican Red Mushroom, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
Peruvian White Habanero, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Orange Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
*Fatali/Savina, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Pointed Yellow Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Scotch Bonnet MoA, c. chinense (Steve)​
Scotch Bonnet TFM, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Yellow Scotch Bonnet, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
*Giant White Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Paul looks like an ambitious 2013 season! I just started myself after my 2012 partners passing I decided not to have a season but just recently changed my mind. What kind of pod did that Casper plant ever put out? It's good to see you're still going strong. I'll be checking in from time to time.
[quote="stc3248, post: 796495"]
Dang your plant look good brotha! That's what I'm talking about! You should go on vaca more often! I still have a couple of the seeds you sent, think it was more due to not having my germ station quite dialed in. I got more than enough plants for the season. Fighting the urge to start more...think there's a 12 step process for startaholics?
Funny, my friend! I think it's an incurable affliction!

If I remember correctly you lost the battle last year! ;)
I won't tempt you any more!

I'm running out of space myself and had to move some
out to the greenhouse.  Most of these are varieties I have
two seedlings of or were getting taller than the other seedlings

[quote="Sanarda, post: 796505"]
Paul your plants look terrific. I'm in awe. Pretty good picture taking too. :)
You are a wonderful friend, Pia!  Here's hoping you have a great season!

[quote="Trippa, post: 796511"]
Looking great Paul!!  How long before plant out for you now??  2-3 weeks??  Or is it still too cold yet?  Where do you normally harden them off in the greenhouse??
We are still a ways from plant out.  Probably Late April.  The plants can
go into the greenhouse, but nights are too cold at the moment to be outside.  
Our 90% frost date is May 6, the 50% frost date is April 13.  I have a few
places around the yard where they can get some exposure as the spring
weather warms up.

[quote="PeriPeri, post: 796523"]
Healthy, happy looking plants. Never mind green thumb... this man has green hands! Niiice!
Thanks, brother.  So far so good.  
The plants pretty much take care of themselves as
long as I keep after the aphids for them!

[quote="stickman, post: 796553"]
All looking excellent Paul! No surprise there... :)
Thanks Rick.  Has Spring started to make an appearance there, yet?
Glad to see the Spring Equinox arrived on schedule!

[quote="Devv, post: 796564"]

Another nice grow!

I found last years while Googling "cloning" and read most of it, like 48 pages, your an inspiration!

Keep up the good work.

3 cheers for a vacation!

[/quote]Thanks, Scott.  You are a trooper for wading through that stuff!

[quote="DocNrock, post: 796578"]
Great looking update, Paul!
Thanks, Brent.  Hope the Ajis and Rocotos are going strong.

[quote="stickman, post: 796553"]
All looking excellent Paul! No surprise there... :)
You are too kind, my friend!
Pauly,just catching up for the first time in awhile. Glog section is a blur this season! Glad to see that you enjoyed the vacation,you put your time in,enjoy everyday. Your Naga plants are immaculate!!! Take care my friend.
Hey, John. I feel your pain. I am suffering tremendous guilt for not
visiting all my friends' glogs this season :oops: Thanks for the kind words, buddy.
Our vacation was a hoot, for sure!

Paul looks like an ambitious 2013 season! I just started myself after my 2012 partners passing I decided not to have a season but just recently changed my mind. What kind of pod did that Casper plant ever put out? It's good to see you're still going strong. I'll be checking in from time to time.
Robin! Good to her from you, my friend! PM on the way.
The Casper pods looked like sort of a cross between a 'Ghost'
and a Habanero. Long and slender, blunt tips, smooth with long
furrows. There are some pics on my 2012 glog. I'm glad you
are going to start up a grow, you had a heck of a start last year
before the carnage.

Poddin up already Paul! How are the clones doing?!
Hey Steve! The Scotch Bonnet MoA is struggling, but hanging on.
I'll let it keep going as long as it is alive and green. There is a pic below.
The clones have all croaked, save one; a Wild Texas Tepin branch I stuck
in some water as per Trippa's suggestion. After 44 days, that one finally
put out a true root. I noticed this morning there is another poking out. I
just wasn't bery attentive to my clones this year. I think that in the future,
I'll try out an aero garden kind of arrangement for rooting any cuttings, or
just stick them in water. I am also trying to root a Red Manzano cutting.
Will post some root pics when there is enough to see.

How are things going Paul. Hope all is ok in your neck of the woods
Things are good here, my friend. You are so nice for inquiring. I
hope all is okay in Jersey and that your family's life is back to normal.
You folks have had a tough winter, Pia. There is a pic of your Congo
Trinidad Yellow. It is looking good for having such a tough time getting going.

looking good... clone master... what else should i learn.. teach me about grafting and air layering.. =D
Hey Denniz! If you read my reply to Steve above, you know I'm not much
of a clone master this season.
I just wasn't attentive enough to their needs. If the one remaining WT Tepin
makes it, I'll call it good! I hope your clone efforts are doing better than mine did.

WOO HOO, Paul getting a Florida grow season in the PNW!
Love it.

Looking like your going to get a great season there Paul. Nice to have that Green House to move out to. Can't wait to see some pics of the Back Yard going it all it's glory again.


Howdy, Bill! Yeah, this is as close to Florida as it gets here :lol:
The greenhouse is a real savior, for sure. I need to check in with DocnRock
and see how his unit is working out. I need to check in on some glogs to
see what real Florida grow seasons look like!

Here are some pics of the 20 plants left on the grow shelf.
The red cups are the 18 ounce size.
Some are really spreading out. The Naga M and the Jamaican
Red Mushroom have branched out. The JRM has three branches:




Oops, missed the typo here :doh: :confused: :oops: Too late now!

Wow, another typo - I did this too late last night. The Scotch Bonnet is an MoA, not a TFM. It has
struggled since sprouting, but the leaves are green and healthy, and it is slowly pushing out a new
leaf, so I'm optimistic it will eventually come around, just like the Little Red Hab that Could last
Thanks, Ramon. I have finally figured out that I could probably train a monkey to do what I do with the plants!
Sorry can’t help you there but I’m sure Lourens (PeriPeri) could ship you a few monkeys to help out, hehe. But from what I’ve read they don’t help much in dat pepper garden :D

Congrats on the pods mon :) … your pictures are first class and the plants look better than the FL ones being attacked in my back yard, keep up dat great work ^_^
Sorry can’t help you there but I’m sure Lourens (PeriPeri) could ship you a few monkeys to help out, hehe. But from what I’ve read they don’t help much in dat pepper garden :D

Congrats on the pods mon :) … your pictures are first class and the plants look better than the FL ones being attacked in my back yard, keep up dat great work ^_^
Uh, on second thought, maybe I'll skip the monkeys!
The Manzanos have turned almost completely yellow to orange.
I'll be amazed if they turn red. My wildest fantasy would be to get
some viable seed from them!
Good luck battling the pests. Kill them all!
Have you gotten pods off that Manzano plant before Paul? Thinking it may be an Orange not Red. Either way...if you pull a pod and the seeds have turned black they're mature enough to plant. The undeveloped seeds will stay white/tan...If it is an Orange its a bonus...I like the flavor better! I have never grown Reds...but I grab them from the Farmer's Market and they go green to red. Yellow to orange says more than likely ready to pic to me???

Plants are looking stellar! Ready for some 1# shoes soon by the looks of 'em!
Have you gotten pods off that Manzano plant before Paul? Thinking it may be an Orange not Red. Either way...if you pull a pod and the seeds have turned black they're mature enough to plant. The undeveloped seeds will stay white/tan...If it is an Orange its a bonus...I like the flavor better! I have never grown Reds...but I grab them from the Farmer's Market and they go green to red. Yellow to orange says more than likely ready to pic to me???

Plants are looking stellar! Ready for some 1# shoes soon by the looks of 'em!
Thanks for that info, brother Shane. This plant is a late season starter from seed
you sent me at the same time at the Tepin varieties , Wild Brazil, etc. I thought
it was labeled Red Manzano, but my frontal lobes have shorted out before! I'll let
them ripen a bit more until all the dark green is gone and see where we are then.
Whatever, it's cool the plant actually survived the winter, producing pods and new
growth. I really hope it makes it to flowering and fruiting this season. It will still
be nip and tuck with the OW's until Spring is really here. Thanks for visiting, my friend.

Where ya been hiding those healthy looking plants?
The Naga Morich is ready for at least a 2 gal pot. They all look marvelous.
I hope all is well. Keep up the greenery....
Brother Greg! Thanks for the look, buddy. The Naga Morics, Scotch Bonnet TFMs,
and a couple of others have awesome foliage. Better than anything I had last year.
I attribute that to the Fox Farms' Happy Frog/Ocean Forest soil mix for the transplants.
They would be farther along had I not let them sit too long in the basically sterile rooting
medium. A real object lesson for me this time around :doh: I think they have overcome that
initial shock, and their growth has really accelerated in the past week-10 days except for the
inevitable few rescue plants I have on my work bench!

You and Shane are both right, some are ready to pot-up, but they just look so comfy
where they are :lol:
Man those plants look perfect :dance: Just stunning :clap:
That is lofty praise from the podmaster extrordinaire!
I will def use the Fox Farms for transplants from now on;
I hate to say it, but it's better than my own mix for the
young plants. We'll se how they do when they get put
into the standard 1:1:1 mix.

Picture perfect plants my good man. Well done. Those pods are gonna be delicious and brutally hot.
Hi Pia. Keeping my fingers crossed that they continue in the same fashion.
Pride goeth before the fall, ya know ;) It will be fun trying the Manzanos and
seeing if the seeds are viable. Maybe the long time hanging on the plant will
make the pods extra spicy!
Nice update, Paul. Those plants look so green and lush. It's amazing the difference good soil makes. I've been using Sungro Mixes #1 and #4 (with amendments) and have been quite pleased with the results relative to what I had last year when I was on the steep part of the learning curve. The little greenhouse made my entire grow possible. I can really imagine how much more it would help in your climate.

Ajis and Rocotos are coming along! Love that shot of your Pointed Yellow Hab. I'm growing that one, too, from seed I got from a pod you sent me. Really looking forward to growing it out. I posted a pic of the Orange Rocoto sprout in my glog that I grew from the seed you sent me.

EDIT: Almost forgot to say, I love those clear cocktail cups for seedlings. It's great being able to see the rootball!
Looking great Paul!! You will be more than happy with those Naga Morich's once they start podding. I have been super impressed with mine and how productive it us and its only in a 1.5 litre pot!! (I know they are not the same genetics as yours but I think its is a general trait for that variety). Onward and upward brother!!