food Peach Habanero Cobbler in another thread got me thinking about a "hot" dessert. So I dug around the pantry and this is what I came up with.

Peach Habanero Cobbler. It's about as simple as things can get !

Canned peaches and a red habanero


Habanero mixed with the peaches


Ready for the oven


Fresh out of the oven


P. Dreadie
Pepperfreak ,

I've never tasted a "Peach Habanero " . Is it called peach because the color or does it taste a little like a peach ?

P. Dreadie
No it tastes like a Hab, it is peach color. However, I think it has a more subtle taste than the bitey red hab. But, this isn't to say that it isn't hot, because it is still a Hab. :lol:
Pepperfreak ,

Thanks for an answer. I wasn't trying to make something super hot. Just a nice kick so to speak. I made that in the middle of the night. I won't test/taste it until later after I made dinner. I hope like you said it's just kind of a come on , nice smooth heat and not all in your face at once.

P. Dreadie
I can't wait to hear how it tastes.

The Habanero variety of peppers has many different types. Before, I just thought there was an Orange and Red. Now I know there are Peach, Yellow, White, Chocolate and so forth. I have also discovered that they each have a distinct flavor. So far, I like them all, but must say that the Peach is my favorite. If you like Habs, I would recommend that you reserve room for them next year to give them a try.
That definatly looks good.
I wonder how hot and sweet go together ?
I have some Junglr Juice hot sauce from HSC, which they say is good on vanilla ice cream but I couldent stomach it.
FadeToBlack ,

From a history stand point , it seems people have mixed sweet with hot for a long time. The Aztec's as I've read blended peppers and chocolate. On that I don't know how sweet or hot their mix was. But my wife remembers.

In more recent times small chocolate companies have made "Candy Bars " that are spicy. AJ did a Pineapple Up-Side down cake using spicy/hot pecans. I loved his idea !!

So I've just played with the sweet / hot idea. I like it . It's meant to be a snack , not a meal. You could/ they have spiced up nuts , cakes , it's just up to you.

Sweet & Spicy is alright with me ,

Peace ,
P. Dreadie
This dessert sounds AMAZING. I am definitely putting this on my list of things to try making in the future. I'll just be using 3x-4x the amount of habanero when I do, of course.