Pepper duds?

so after my first attempt at  growing peppers and failing hard i went in for 2nd try some time later something easier, thai peppers, not know for super heat but a bit of a bite to em. now after waiting and waiting they pumped out tons of peppers, butt with absolutely no heat ive gotten more heat from ketchup  :tear:  this common to happen? 
No, Thai peppers should have some heat. Did you wait until they are fully ripe and red to try them? If they were unripe green pods that could explain it.
BlackFatalii said:
No, Thai peppers should have some heat. Did you wait until they are fully ripe and red to try them? If they were unripe green pods that could explain it.
yep didnt pluck them untill they were nice and red, the plant even gave off even more after those were picked and second batch had no heat either
Crispee-FL said:
Where did you get your seeds and/or plants? Green or not it should have heat
i got them at a local nursery in modesto, i figured they would have some heat, the owner seem to be growing a few super hots on the side for personal use so i took a shot at these main stream peppers
Hmmm, that is weird that it has no heat at all. Maybe just poor genetics then? 
At least it is not too late. Thai peppers are pretty readily available at nurseries and garden centers everywhere. You could pick up another plant from a different vendor, and still get a good harvest this season.
If you happen across any Orange Thai plants (the normal sized one, not the large pod variety) those have a pretty good kick for an annuum. Seemed hotter than the red to me.
Last year, all my peppers had much less heat than I was expecting. I haven't completely figured out the causes yet. It could be the peppers, or it could be the gardener. :)

This year, I have a much wider selection of peppers I'm trying. If everything keeps coming in milder than expected, I'll just start growing hotter peppers.
Your peppers should at least be a little warm side....are you sure the pepper seeds were Thai peppers....have you got a picture of any of the fruit you picked.