wanted Pepper E-book Author Seeking Reviewers

UPDATE: Thanks so much for all the help! Dominica has all the reviewers she needs. Thanks again.

Hi all,

My friend, Dominica, just wrote an e-book about growing jalapenos and super hot peppers in containers. She's looking for a few people to review her document and write a testimonial so she can include it on her sales page. I told her this would be the best community to post her request. I've read through the PDF and found it to be extremely helpful. If you're interested, please email her at info@growhotpeppers.com.

Here's her original note on the Grow Hot Peppers Facebook fan page:

Thanks for reading.
I responded and would be delighted to review it.

I only grow in containers....and have been for years...

Will be some good reading...
Just reviewed it and sent her my comments...thank you...
I would like to give it a reading :) My thoughts and comments i would gladly donate....we have been growing in containers for almost 60 years! :)
50-60 pages...pretty good read for the beginner...
I volunteered to review it a week ago and gave my feedback. As AJ said, its a good book for beginners on how to start.